Help needed with some research

by Doug Mason 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    I simply put my stuff on my web site.

    If anyone wants to make a donation, I suggest they go to their nearest blood transfusion service where their gift will give hope and life.


  • momentofsurrender

    Same person. I grew up in Western Mass. Br. Zinsmeister's son was my age.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    Thank you!


  • Earnest

    Also note his letter to Rensslaer Magazine: Winter 2006-07 in which he says, as Emeritus Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Massachusetts :

    I was happy to see so many thoughtful letters in the Fall 2006 issue of Rensselaer challenging Professor Roger Sloboda’s statement that “Science can and will eventually explain everything.” ... Throughout my education I learned many principles that would keep me from making such a bold and absurd statement.

    and then goes on to list five such principles which rightly support his position that science will never explain everything.

    He seems to be quite temperate in his views, saying:

    Perhaps Professor Sloboda’s statement was meant to be taken only in the context of the origin and development of life. But even then, he must realize that information needed to reconstruct the past is relentlessly degraded over time and can never be fully recovered.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    I have nothing against Professor Zinsmeister. I completely respect his right to him holding to his views and to his beliefs.

    In everything I write, I never address JWs individually, my argument is always against the ruling controlling body. Because I feel such sympathy for the individual, I try to help release the mental stranglehold that is applied by the WTS. My argument is driven by the way they rip families apart and the unnecessary deaths they cause through their "policy" on the medical use of blood.

    My interest in this instance related to the WTS brochure referencing a Professor as supporting the WTS's position. The writers and publishers of the brochure should have made it very clear to the reader of the situation. This is yet another example where the WTS is not completely open.

    The brochure is addressed at Jews. I therefore read it through those eyes. No Jew would comprehend that the WTS's expression "believes in God" should be understood to mean "is a Jehovah's Witness".

    Overall, I believe that any knowledgeable Jew would find the brochure demeaning and simplistic. For example, while elevating the significance of the Name of God, which belief a Jew would share, the WTS uses the Name "Jehovah", which was invented by Christendom! How do you think any Jew would respond to that!

    Rutherford saddled the WTS with a dead weight when he thought up the name "Jehovah's witnesses".

    I can easily understand the views that would be held by Jews. I have immediate forefathers named Abraham, Yitzak (Isaac), and Mosche (Moses).


  • Earnest


    I do not have any particular interest in defending the brochure "How Can You Have a Happy Life?", and would not disagree that much of the WT literature is simplistic.

    Just how a Jew would respond to the use of the name "Jehovah" depends very much on the individual Jew. Orthodox Jews will not say the name of God in any language. On the other hand I know of several Jews who have become Witnesses, so clearly they didn't find it quite so objectionable.

    Personally I see no objection to using the name Jehovah in English simply because it was first coined by Christendom when Latin was the universal language. In actual fact its use in the English Bible is more due to Tyndale than to Martini as he (Tyndale) had a number of spellings he could have used to reflect an English representation of the tetragrammaton.


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