I'm wondering if the past incentive to build a KH — with all the excitement and joy to build and gather the funds by themselves, and the justified local pride that went with it — will simply erode for good. There is no incentive anymore. It's all in the hands of the corporation. No freedom; nothing!
My guess is that more and more will be unhappy to serve corporate instead of God...
What Can An Incorporated Congregation Of Jehovah Witnesses Do To Keep Ownership Of Their Kingdom And Not Let The Watchtower Corporation Sell It Off To Pay Child Molestation Lawsuits?
by frankiespeakin 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
With this audit comming I wonder if they will be able to sell kingdom hall to pay off child molestation lawsuits? Is it legal for a non profit corporation to do this?
Also is it legal for the Watchtower as a Non profit charity to take money that they have collected from the rank and file for 'world wide work fund' and use it to pay off lawsuits?
Will an audit force them to make full discloser in some form of document being read at their sales(ministry) meetings? or a printed letter to each registered corporation slave volunteer?
The Menlo Park Kingdom Hall takeover scandal is like a movie monster that just won’t die.
Three former elders have filed Court cases in San Francisco Federal Court (dismissed), San Mateo Superior Court in Redwood City (dismissed), and earlier this year another case that is progressing in San Jose Federal Court. There was another filing in federal court on April, 2012 [Cobb & Cobb Sr. v. Chase Bank] that is still developing.
These court cases all center around four Menlo Park elders that the Watchtower Society removed and replaced in the summer of 2010. Three of the elders decided to challenge their replacement as officers of the non-profit corporation that owned and managed the land, building, and financial assets connected to the Menlo Park Kingdom Hall.
Over the past two years, Ex-JW.com has provided our readers with ongoing articles and PDF copies of most relevant court documents. This post presents the transcript of the state case heard in the Superior Court of San Mateo County, California on February 22, 2012. The original transcript is quite lengthy, so it’s been broken into seven parts for ease of reading and downloading. Below the link to each section there is an abbreviated synopsis for quick reference.
Those close to the case suggest that our readers give special attention to section 6 below. Defendant Ernest Brede, the current COBOE at Menlo Park, describes events during and after the takeover, and testifies under oath that the existing board of directors was never officially voted out of office. Instead, as directed by a Watchtower Society attorney, a new corporation was simply formed to replace the existing corporation. That is a clear violation of California corporation law.
Band on the Run
.two landmark Episcopal churches I attended were involved in federal law suits. I was not a catalyst. My argument was that both sides would lose in the end. The dissidents were given members' contact information. The bishop acknowledged both sides as legitimate. I don't know enough about KH ownership to guesss. The answer will likely differ depending on the state where the property is located. Until local KHs retain their own lawyers to look out for their own interests, the WT will have the advantage. Sadly, people who join high control religions can't imagine differing with Bethel at a future date.Bethel lawyerswill have spent much time bolstering Bethel.