With all the problems in Christi-SCAM-ity, Judaism, and Islam, I would suggest looking beyond the boundaries of these religions and pagan-style religions which are influenced by such religions. Research several of them before committing to any of them--and, if you are searching for xian religions, research doubly deep (hint: The whole platform is rotten.) Look in places you thought were offensive. Remember, even the LIE-ble is blatant about it if you look without prejudice--joke-hova threatened mankind with death for gaining knowledge, while Satan tried to free us from that tyranny.
And there is no penalty for "taking too long to make up your mind". You are better off an atheist or agnostic, or holding several different belief systems that evolve as new information comes to your attention, than jumping too quickly and landing in a cult. Even among Satanists, there are cults--dangerous ones--involving animal abuse and human sacrifice as parts of their rituals. If a Satanist group uses animal abuse or human sacrifice where blatant and permanent mutilation is part of the ritual, be careful because it is a cult. True Satanists do not abuse animals or torture people for no good reason--and certainly not as part of their rituals.