We thought we had heard all the stupid things printed by Watchtower thru the history. NOPE! This one takes the cake and gets the applause!!!
Just when you thought we had heard the epitomy of stupid WT comments....
by Newly Enlightened 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It does indeed. I wouldn't use Rutherford era quotes to attempt to wake up a fully indoctrinated JW as they would see it as unfair to them as the light grew brighter.
But this is an excellent tool for the open-minded JW trying to figure out what TTATT is, as it shows how ridiculous their stuff was and could not have been spirit-directed.
under the radar
Don't forget an even earlier teaching that all "inferior" races would eventually morph into white. Hmmm... a paradise consisting ENTIRELY of adult white males. I happen to be one of those, but I can't imagine anything paradise-like about world filled with veritable clones of myself. For one thing, I love women way too much (one in particular, and exclusively as far as romance goes). A world without females and children would be no paradise for me. No thanks!
And that's not even deigning to address the implied inferiority of all races other than white.
Seriously, it's hard to believe they ever put out such tripe. Even worse, to my knowledge they have never officially retracted any of these wild and baseless ideas. They may claim this is just "old light" brought up to embarass them, but they've never formally repudiated any of it (as far as I know) so any embarassment is well-deserved and on point.
Ditto to what OnTheWayOut wrote.
I remember in 1961 ... the 'ladies' studying with me
said that childbearing would cease because the earth
would run out of room ...so then we would fly to
Palaides, and populate that! hahah 'cause that's where
jehover lived!
WT's warped thinking really did show up, right at the
begining didn't it.........somehow get rid of those
annoying women, by changing them into something
really worthwhile!!!!!! Men! omg
When it comes to stupid, the WT is definitely an over-achiever.
Just when you think the "Stupid Bar" has been set so high no one can vault it, here comes WT with it's Superman cape flapping in the wind....
You don't have to go back to Rutherford to get something Watchtower stupid. It doesn't get any more Watchtower stupid than "over-lapping generation".
To be fair (ahem), it is too easy to look back into the history of all sorts of religious organizations to find stupid written large. Not excusing the WT's stupidity...but putting it in context.
I didn't listen to the video to the end, but what I listened was entertaining.
This couple is too cute! Loved that mason jar she was sipping from. Yes, this is old stuff, but if the WT is directed by holy spirit, there would be no need for corrections or "new light" to replace screwy beliefs like that.
In terms of religions the world over and from time immemorial, yesterday's "sensible" beliefs are today's "screwy" beliefs. But, yes, claims of being the sole channel of communication of the one "true" God confers absolutely no safeguard against chronic stupidity, whether or not it is later "corrected. Besides, some stupidity is so stupid even before the ink dries that to subsequently correct it is hardly a sign of humility.