There Is No Key To Happiness!

by abiather 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • galaxie

    Abiather, i can say no more than what has been said to show how absurd your assumptions /beliefs are.

    Always know and TRY to accept as an individual you can relate and understand your existence without conceding your intelligence to those with an agenda.

    Work towards standing on your own two feet, through the crutches away, go on you CAN do it.

    Best wishes to you.

  • galaxie

    OOPS spelling !!

  • abiather

    This is the beauty of life. The world is full of lessons. One can take lesson even from Mosquitoes. Even when they see cow breast filled with nutritious milk, they want to SADISTICALLY inflict pain and suck the blood from the breast skin, rather than benefitting from the milk!

    When I talk about ELIXIR, you get stumbled over the alphabet E. Here too, You are right, because alphabet E is very much part of the word ELIXIR.

    Thank you Wizard of Oz, and punkofnice for being an exception—though endangered species on earth!

  • Quarterback

    Usually the key to happiness opens a door to a Corvette




    .........................The Way to Happiness is:


    To Crush your Enemies, see them Driven before You, and..

    .............To Hear the Lamentation of Their Women.


    ......................That`s an "Effin" Good Day!..

    .................................................................................. photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • steve2

    Okay, there's no key, but is there at least an access card? Signed: Desperate to know whether people will live happily ever after.

  • abiather


    I took this as scientists experiment after some assumption, and found amazing result. You may go ahead and practice. First experience will be this: You will not feel elated when praised nor depressed when snubbed/insulted by others. Because you know who you are. Besides, when you are relaxed, you are more powerful, sharp and wiser. That is good a premise to start with.

  • abiather


    1. Nobody in this world (where more than 50 million unborn babies are murdered in the name of parents’ convenience, who prefer to call the act abortion to murder) has the moral right to ask why children are born with disabilities.
    2. Read some books on past regression such as, "Many Lives Many Masters" written by American psychiatrist Dr Brian Weiss and a book called "Life Between Life", by Canadian psychiatrist Joel Whitton and Joe Fisher. Many have found direct link between present disabilities and past lives. For example, a person who destroyed another person’ eyes, thus caused blindness to him, is born blind in his next birth. “Eye for eye, tooth for tooth” is better understood here.
    3. Move to bigger picture. We all come FROM GOD, through parents, hence God is our only, and the real Father. If he permits one of his children to be born with disabilities, there should be sufficient reason behind—which others need not know.
    4. What we see is only a tip of the ice-berg; baby with disabilities are actually adult soul in a small body—yet a soul with endless past lives.
    5. Some of ancient Indian books of wisdom too speak on this subject. Once died, soul has enough time to see its own past life with all its details some of which were hidden while on earth, and rewind and to see repeatedly to his satisfaction. After that the soul, now fully convinced of its mistakes and faults, decides the suitable place and parents to work out its Karmic account, and take birth accordingly.
    6. Soul builds the body, taking raw materials from parents—mostly from mother. If the soul has decided to take a crippled body, it has many options—either build the body with disabilities as the need may be suitable to settle its karmic account, or choose a parents who suffer from deep negative emotion, or those who have extreme habits …
    7. Bible shows Jesus had pre-human existence, and is having now post-human existence. (John 5:24; 6:38, 62; 8:42; 13:1; 17:5) He was not an exception. Humans “RETURN” to their Heavenly Father after their death. (Ecclesiastes 12:7; Mark 12:26-27) and take rebirth if there is a purpose (Mathew 11:14). This happens without the approval of humans (Mathew 11:15)
    8. Remembrance of past lives is available in the ocean called sub-conscious mind. Such a big load need not be carried in the conscious mind. Because what is to be remembered is not details, but the basic tendency of a person—whether he is willing to treat all as his brothers and sisters or will he self-serving? Interestingly, the basic tendency of a person is very much discernible not only to the person, but also to the outsiders.
  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Happiness is wherever you find it. People find it in all sorts of places.

  • doofdaddy

    Abiather said on a previous thread:

    "The very fact that I am speaking negatively of JWs shows that I do not belong to Brahmakumaris."


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