Ken should wipe his A......!! With the bible at least it would serve a purpose. !!
Bill Nye/Ken Ham Creation-Evolution Debate Here: V
by mind blown 41 Replies latest watchtower bible
I can't be arsed to watch the weird looking guy, let alone listen to him, in fact I think he has put me off eating Ham now !
But at least it sounds as though he has shown up the total lack of credibility his arguments have, though claiming "the Bible says" may well be a compelling argument for a lot of Americans, it would certainly be laughed at over here in the U.K where very few are Bible Literalists, if they put much belief in it at all.
The debate took place in kentucky... one of the most ass backward states in america. When Ham tried to make a joke everyone would laugh and some would clap. When nye did the same thing it was near silence with the exception of the few 20 some things in the audience. The majority were there it seemed to cheer on Ham
Space Madness
Bill Nye needs to find a job or something better to do with his life. What kind of scientist waste his time debating other people's beliefs. We have thousands of problems (world hunger, pollution, renewable energy, lack of clean water, cancer, etc.) in this world that needs to be solved and if Bill was a real scientist he'd be in a lab or somewhere conducting research in attempt to solve at least one of them.
Bill Nye needs to find a job or something better to do with his life. What kind of scientist waste his time debating other people's beliefs. We have thousands of problems (world hunger, pollution, renewable energy, lack of clean water, cancer, etc.) in this world that needs to be solved and if Bill was a real scientist he'd be in a lab or somewhere conducting research in attempt to solve at least one of them.
And we need science to solve those problems, not teaching children and adults ridiculous beliefs. Bill Nye's work is trying to make that happen.
I dare say most believers who watched the "debate" would say Ham won, since he spoke words that were familiar to the audience, having heard them spoken by their pastors before. Thanks to confirmation biases, people tend to believe the familiar, and not necessarily the true.
Bill Nye's unfamiliarity with the Bible meant he couldn't attack on theological grounds (he's not familiar with theology, but science), so couldn't engage on the silliness of YEC literal beliefs and pointing to contradictions in the Bible (eg he missed the opportunity to point out that Genesis 1 IS written as ancient Hebrew poetry, which came up in the debate when Ham said he'd interpret Psalms differently than the Genesis accounts, where Genesis 2 is narrative).
In the end, Ham had to try to create a false equivalency between science and religious beliefs by dragging out "were you there?" type arguments, and he did; he won by being allowed to dodge rather than address weaknesses. If I didn't know what I know about science and theology, I'd say Ham won, as the burden of proof needed to convince people of what they're primed to believe is low (and the cartoon at the beginning of the debate pumping the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum was absolutely shameless).
Bill: "But there are trees older than you think the earth is..."
Bill: "But there are trees older than you think the earth is..."
..................Bill Takes Another Bite Out Of The..
.................................Ham Sandwich..
Too bad Bill didn't point out to where Ham was receiving his information from or who wrote the
words in the bible, which were ignorant people who lived 2000 years ago.
Human ignorance is an indisputable fact, anyone who denies that is a provable idiot or a trite asshole.