I just found out that my uncle, who is a staunch JW elder, has an aortic aneurism and is in critical condition. He's in his late 70s and he probably won't survive. He lives several hundred miles away, so I don't see myself making the trip for his funeral.
JW uncle in hospital
by finally awake 12 Replies latest jw friends
Band on the Run
Sorry. Maybe he will pull through.
finally awake
Maybe, but the refusal of blood transfusions makes his prognosis worse.
"pen thoracic and abdominal aneurysm repair has a mortality rate of around 8%, with myocardial infarction being a frequent cause of death. [9] Preoperative reduction of cardiac risk by cardiac investigations and beta-blockade may reduce this mortality rate. Autologous transfusion techniques, such as acute normovolemic hemodilution and interoperative cell salvage, reduce the need"
The good news is that the WTS allows hemodilution and cell savage. It's talked about all the time in their literature and touted as being bloodless. So, make sure he and his family understand that what can save him, is allowed.
If it ruptures, there is a need for massive transfusions. The doctors seem to be using packed red blood cells, which are usually washed to remove the factors on the outside of the red blood cell's skin that cause reactions. JWs can have hemoglobin, which is the insides of the red blood cell, basically. To get hemoglobin, the doctors may have to ask for FDA compassionate use.
Finally - Sorry to hear about your uncle, but I see that your JW elder uncle is refusing blood, just wondering if he mentioned he could received "blood fractions" and wondering if the Dr.s told him that fractions at this point is just a "spit in the bucket" (of course I'm sure he received a more medicinal explanation) and that really can't help him at this point.
finally awake
I'm not in the direct loop of information. Even before we quit attending the Kingdom HAll, my aunt had quit speaking to us. I have no idea what I said or did that chapped her off, but she wouldn't answer the phone or return calls. My uncle used to call me once a month or so, but he stopped doing that not too long after we quit going to the meetings. I don't know if someone told him we had quit, or if he could just somehow tell we had "turned apostate". He's my mother's brother - so I guess his wife felt obligated to notify my mom that he was in the hospital.
finally awake
My uncle died on Sunday. His memorial service is being held at one of the Kingdom Halls in Wichita, although his widow did not deign to specify which one. The Circuit Overseer is giving the talk and she seems quite excited about that. I feel really bad for my mom and my aunt, they hadn't seen their brother since 2006 and didn't really get a chance to say goodbye before he died. Neither is able to make the trip to go to the memorial service. I would take them, but my mom said she felt about as welcome as a turd in a punchbowl.
Guess he'll be getting to the New World via the "underground".
It's amazing how easily they block out the fact that they were promised to never die.
Sorry for your family's loss.
LoisLane looking for Superman
Finally Awake,
I am sorry for you and all of us who have loved ones who are waiting for the Big "A"™ to happen so that all their dreams can start blossoming for them. If the Society™ would use the word "normal"... That all 7 plus billion normal people will die, instead of using the cult word "worldly"™ people, it might help more progressive, thinking ones to wake up.
I am sure your mom and you have some pleasant memories of your Uncle who died.
When JW's obey the 8 GB in New York who tell them what to think and how to think and follow through on that, I think, OK, it sounds like that cruel Old Testament God, Jehovah, but when they switch it up and call themselves followers of Jesus Christ who preached love and understanding, there is a big disconnect there.
It is always a joy to add another chair and plate to the dining table. Always sad, to remove one.
I am sorry for your Family's loss.