Well wouldn't that be nice! The Governing Body speaking and ain't nobody listening.
Nobody Is Following The Governing Body's Directives On Shunning, Cognitive Dissonance In Over Drive!
by frankiespeakin 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This thread makes no sense.
Well how long do you feel with all these child molestation lawsuit pays that require the Watchower Corporation to disolve congregations and sell thier porperty till out right hatred for the Governing Body becomes first apparent in the response to Governing Body directives, this is the first sign that their empire is collapsing around them to which the Governing Body is not aware off/or slightly due to their delusional state and so they keep pushing the evelope till a serious rift occurs and eventually nobody even gives a shit what the governing body cause to be written.
Lawsuits over child molestion tarnish the delusional appearence of the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" so much that the rank and file listen only with annoyance to their chirpings from Circut Overseer's over blah blah blah bull shit. Their is only so much bullshit that you can eat as spiritual food until you start throwing up. Call it unconscious biological instincts or what ever but their is a limit till unconscious impulses kick in.
I think you undrestimate the average JW's ability to live with, and ignore, Cognitive Dissonance.
Just like the unreformable Smoker, who constantly is reminded of the health risks yet carries on anyway, they shove any jarring thought way to the back of the mainly empty room that is their mind.
It would take a flood of such cases being well publicised to even get them to talk about it, and even then they will "rationalise" it.
I am afraid that any who are still JW's now, after the over-lapping generation and the Noo Lite on the FDS, are way beyond using any thinking ability they once had, they have voluntarily killed it.
Faithful Witness
Don't worry, the FDS has this covered. Their Watchtower study article this week warns:
Avoid Being "Quickly Shaken From Your Reason!"
"HOAXES, scams, and deception are all too common in the present system of things. This should not surprise us. The Bible makes it plain that Satan the Devil is an accomplished deceiver, and he is the ruler of this system. (1 Tim. 2:14; 1 John 5:19) As we approach the end of this wicked system, Satan’s anger grows because he has only “a short period of time” left. (Rev. 12:12) So we can expect increased duplicity on the part of those who are influenced by the Devil, especially toward those who promote true worship.
2 Misleading statements and outright lies about Jehovah’s servants and their beliefs are sometimes featured in the media. Newspaper headlines, television documentaries, and Internet Web pages are used to propagate untruths. As a result, some people become disturbed, gullibly believing such lies."
The article starts out by saying how the media is lying about them, goes on to warn you who you associate with, and ends with another reminder that you are going to obey what "we" say in our letters.
If they keep making videos on things like Jehovah hates it when he's look at deaf people masturbate, and instructional videos for tots to throw away possibly demonized Sparlock like toys and make jehovan turn from a frown to a smiley face, and how to blow off suicidal widows with a suck it up video because Job had it far worse and remember to keep your integrety to the Governing Body by listening and obeying to all they say and everything will be Okay.
I'd say there words and directives will eventually get many to stop listening or to only listen with annoiance because they are so out of touch with reality.
Sometimes the WT actually prints the truth. Consider these quotes from the Watchtower of December 15, 2013, page 6, paragraphs 1 & 2:
"So we can expect increased duplicity on the part of those who are influenced by the Devil"
"Internet Web pages are used to propagate untruths. As a result, some people become disturbed, gullibly believing such lies"
Are you testing us, like saying it's easy to make a Square-Circle?
I might be wrong but the Cognitive Dissoance theory employed to understand the actions of the UFO Cult was how the leaders explained that "We prayed so hard and God heard our prayers, that's why he did not take the believers and destroy the Earth" Festinger's theory was based on the reactions of the true-followers, those who remained after hearing the half-truths and speculations of their leaders suffered from Cognitive Dissoance.
The followers who left because they could not believe anything said by their religious leaders did not suffer, they decided to cut their losses and live life as best as they could. Individuals who leave the tight grip of the Governing Body don't suffer from CD, it's all the Millions blindly obeying their leaders after being exposed the failures of their leaders. 1914, 1917-1919, 1925 (great decline), 1975 (massive declines and disgruntled dissidents rightly challenge the false prophets.).
How would CD force people to leave the Organization in massive droves?
- "The person who continues to smoke, knowing that it is bad for his health, may also feel (a) he enjoys smoking so much it is worth it; (b) the chances of his health suffering are not as serious as some would make out; (c) he can't always avoid every possible dangerous contingency and still live; and (d) perhaps even if he stopped smoking he would put on weight which is equally bad for his health. So, continuing to smok is, after all, consistent with his ideas about smoking."
(Festinger, 1957)
- "Imagine that you prepared at great length for a dinner party at your home. You constructed the guest list, sent out the invitations, and prepared the menu. Nothing was too much effort for your party: you went to the store, prepared the ingredients, and cooked for hours, all in anticipation of how pleasant the conversation and people would be. Except it wasn't. The guests arrived late, the conversations were forced, and the food was slightly overcooked by the time all of your guests arrived. The anticipation and excitement of the great time you were going to have are discordant with your observation of the evening. The pieces do not fit. You're upset, partly because the evening did not go well, but also because of the inconsistency between your expectation and your experience. You are suffering from the uncomfortable, unpleasant state of cognitive dissonance."
(Cooper, 2007)
- "The basic hypothesis I wish to state are as follows: 1. The existence of dissonance, being psychologically uncomfortable, will motivate the person to try to reduce the dissonance and achieve consonance. 2. When dissonance is present, in addition to trying to reduce it, the person will actively avoid situations and information which would likely increase the dissonance."
(Festinger, 1957)
- "Festinger's insistence that cognitive dissonance was like a drive that needed to be reduced implied that people were going to have to find some way of resolving their inconsistencies. People do not just prefer eating over starving; we are driven to eat. Similarly, people who are in the throes of inconsistency in their social life are driven to resolve that inconsistency. How we go about dealing with our inconsistency can be rather ingenious. But, in Festinger's view, there is little question that it will be done."
(Cooper, 2007
For more information how to better understand this theory we are destroying by overuse and misapplication, read Festinger's book
"A Theory Of Cognitive Disssoance" Leo Festinger 1957 it's helps to understand these concepts, we are going to look like idiots by educated JWs if they read a double-negative trying to be explained.
- "The person who continues to smoke, knowing that it is bad for his health, may also feel (a) he enjoys smoking so much it is worth it; (b) the chances of his health suffering are not as serious as some would make out; (c) he can't always avoid every possible dangerous contingency and still live; and (d) perhaps even if he stopped smoking he would put on weight which is equally bad for his health. So, continuing to smok is, after all, consistent with his ideas about smoking."
As they spread these copies of Governing Body sponsored videos unstopably on the world wide web for all to see even Jws having easy access,, this to me got to severly weaking the Governing Body's voice of authority among the faithful GB followers.
The video that show elders getting excited about the bull shit they/GB are feeding the flock as saving the day and another successful sheparding call following the Faithful Slaves direction takes the prize: