Watching Amish Shunned on PBS...very deja vu if you are/were a JW!

by tenyearsafter 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tenyearsafter

    This is a very interesting documentary...the similarities are so close, you could substitute JW for Amish! Anyone else watching this?

  • Quarterback

    Yes, I watched it. They are really extreme in comparaison to the JW faith, but, you are right some similarities.

  • tenyearsafter

    They are extreme, but the emotions and sense of loss expressed by ex-members is nearly identical to that suffered by many JW's...

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I saw another show on the Amish and it creeped me out. Soooo sooo familiar.

  • A.proclaimer

    I'm watching it now. It's very interesting, there are many parallels you can make with the JWs; call for obedience, staying in place, women are to be submissive, rules of how to live life, shunning, seperation/fear of the outside world etc. But they're more extreme in their way of life and rules.

  • AudeSapere

    I forgot this was on tonight. Thanks for the reminder.


  • Bruja-del-Sol

    Last year I've seen the movie 'The Shunning', based on a novel about the Amish, written by Beverly Lewis. A very touching story that shows a lot of similarities to the JW's.

  • blondie

    I watched another show on the Amish where an ex-Amish was in a serious car accident, he looked and hoped his family would come, nada.

    But some work around the issue. I know an ex-Amish man who is a car mechanic and drives his aunts around to their shopping places.

  • tenyearsafter

    I think the bottom line brought out in the documentary was that absolute obedience was required of the members by the church...any deviation was viewed as rebellion and harshly dealt with (shunning). The same legalistic view as JW's. At least the Amish allow their young a year in the "world" (Rumspringa) before holding them responsible to the church rules and the consequences of shunning!

  • Hortenzie

    Very interesting documentary... While watching it I was thinking that there must be more into the rule that the JW women have to wear skirts or dresses at the meetings and in the service than just looking pretty and 'well arranged". It is quite surprising that they do not have to wear head coverings all the time as a sign of authority (1 Cor ch. 11). But I guess that's why short hair were frown upon.

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