Mormons = Anyone Aware of This?
by Joe Grundy 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I would love to think a summons could be enforced but I have my doubts.
Frazzled UBM
That is fantastic and obviously could apply equally to the Watchtower. I will be very interested to see how this develops. This could be the end of cults like the Mormons and the Watchtower if the Magistrate can get a conviction. I have been banging on about how if the Watchtower were selling a product that they would get done for misleading and deceptive conduct. But providing misleading information to collect donations as a form of fraud - what a great angle! Indeed it would be a worldwide conspiracy to commit fraud! It might be time to report the Watchtower to the Department of Justice in the US and the Serious Fraud Office in the UK for conspiracy to commit fraud. Good on the Magistrate to ahve the cojones to challenge the Mormons. Hopefully the Watchtower is next! Though I recognise that this is wishful thinking. But maybe all the members of JWN whoudl band toegther and calcualte all the money they contributed to the WAtchtower while Witnesses and bring a multi-jurisdictional class action to recover those funds on the grounds of fraud! Any takers?
It will never fly.
If you start charging organizations with "fraud" for teaching fairy tales, you'd pretty quickly end up with ALL organized religions being hauled into court.
Frazzled UBM
sir82 - it is a start and it is certainly possible to distinguish cults from organised religion. Why is it acceptable for organisations claiming to be religions to raise money using transparent lies?
Are they going to drag in the Queen and ask her about the teachings of the Church of England? I'm no fan of Mormons, but they are entitled to teach what they want.
organisations claiming to be religions to raise money using transparent lies?
Like the Catholic church for instance?
Or are the miracles attributed to "saints" non-transparent realities?
The positive I see from this is that more and more people that are in cults are waking up.
Due to the internet the truths about these cults are becoming more available. Maybe this leader will not have to answer to these charges but the fact that the world is being made more aware of the religeous manipulation mankind has and is experiencing.
"Among teachings it singles out as suspect are the assertion that the Book of Mormon was “translated from ancient gold plates by Joseph Smith [and] is the most correct book on Earth and is an ancient historical record” and that the Mormons’ Book of Abraham, was translated from Egyptian papyri by Joseph Smith.
Other beliefs cited include the assertion that “Native Americans are descended from an Israelite family which left Jerusalem in 600 BC” and that “all humans alive today are descended from just two people who lived approximately 6,000 years ago.”
you mean, this isn't true???
ldrnomo I agree.
While this type of thing will not get anywhere in the courts because of the "can of worms" it would open up, it is great as a publicity stunt.
This kind of story gets traction and brings the right kind of attention to these fraudsters.