Being a born in, this question got me thinking. What really is a blessing? I read so much and hear so much about it in the Kingdom Halls. Someone is short on rent and needs $45.06 and all of a sudden huuuraaaa!! They find that exact amount on the sidewalk and can pay rent for a month. Blessing. Get a new job? Blessing. Got food to eat? Blessing. Had just enough tissue paper to blow your nose? Blessing. In the Yearbooks we read about how chickens multiply and don't get sick when everyone else’s chickens got sick because they didn't go to the convention. Blessing. It seems like blessings always comes at someone’s loss or expenses. What if that $45.06 was lost by some poor fella trying to make ends meet? What if getting that new job means 3 other people more qualified didn't get the job? So I ask... What really is a blessing?
What is a Blessing?
by Suspicious 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Great questions.
The old codger that lost the $45.06 didn't get his hours in. Jehober simply transfered the funds from the unfaithful to the faithful. What's wrong with that? That is a blessing in my book. I still have my $45.06 so I guess I am not on god's shi* list.
Faithful Witness
That is not unique to the JW's. I know people who like to give God credit for everything that happens, even getting diagnosed with a disease. Praise God! Now we know how to treat your symptoms!
If one says "God (pick your language) willing", whatever happens is a blessing, perhaps in disguise.
Pete Zahut
I know an elderly regular Pioneer sister who's husband died young after accidently being exposed to radiation at a nuclear power plant he happened to be making a delivery at. 30 years later she got a huge settlement from the government when a bunch of wicked worldly people found her after extensive research and talked her into being part of a class action lawsuit.
"It's evident that Jehovah had a hand in this blessing because her social security was not enough to allow her to continue her Pioneering anymore"
uhhhh where was Jehovah when her Elder and soon to be Circuit Overseer Husband and thousands of others, got exposed to radiation. Maybe it was part of God's plan to kill off the husband and the others, so she'd get a nice settlement that would enable her Pioneer.
Pete that story could apply to any "Jesus freak" so to speak no matter what their religion
Take for example Room 203 and 205 in a hospital, both patients more or less on the brink of death and friends and relatives praying, if the guy in Room 203 pulls thru everyone would say thank you Lord Jesus, but the guy in Room 205 who had folks praying for him as well dies, why didn't the Lord bless their relative by pulling him thru the illness. Guess that's why I can honestly say I haven't said a prayer in not years but decades.
Julia Orwell
I think a blessing is something good that happens to you through no effort of your own. Born in a country where everyone has enough to eat? That's a blessing. Have a great family? Blessing.
I think blessings are also good things we should appreciate such as children, good friends and happiness.
Good point .... A "blessing " is an unexpected stroke of good fortune that the believing dub attributes to the personal intervention of God, acting on their behalf... So it really belongs in the mind of the believer - nothing more.
I was taking the Wt Study one Sunday, way back. It was about such things. Sister Diehard commented that when she Pioneered they once had no more money for the rent.. Walking along she found a wallet in the road with a substantial sum in it, enough to pay the whole month's rent - What a blessing !
I had to think on my feet but I asked from the platform whether she had turned it in to the Police Station? Failing to do so , of course is a stealing under British Law.....She blushed and declined to answer.
rip van winkle
Blues Brother- Good question!! And nevermind the person who lost their wallet and all that cash to pay THEIR rent!