The poor thing is 86 and was told by a friend with "the internet" that the Catholic Church is being attacked by the UN! The tribulation is at hand. Well, if you consider a report on molestation coverups the end of religion, watch out WT, they are coming for you next. Are you getting the same word from those still in that speak to you? Its so repellent isn't it? As if the report were uncalled for and an example of persecution of religion WT style. Sound off.
Witness calls to tell me UN is attacking the Catholic Church, it has begun!
by Wasanelder Once 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My mother mentioned this same coment to my wife.
Stupid and deluded is the average JW
You do know, that the Italian govenrment is making the Catholic church pay millions in taxes now? I heard this from a JW relative. But, when I looked into it further, it was just that the Catholic church had to pay taxes on secular activities (like owning a shopping plaza), like any other investor/busienss would have to do. It is not a tax on their religious activities.
So, what do you think would happen if the UN issued a statement against the Watchtower and its coverup of elder abuse?
I am not sure if the jw faithful would scream or eat a bananna.
It must be that time of the year now, the seats in the Kingdom Hall are a little more empty than usual because of recent Elder Wars.
...........One of the Few Times..
...................The WBT$..
Is Worried about the Catholics..LOL!!..
Their continually looking for" signs" to stir up the faithful into doing more and more in the feild service , or to" scare" weak minded ones that the end is near. ( again )
Didnt jesus say that a wicked and adulteress generation keeps seeking a sign ? (overlapping or not )
Smiddy, the JW Masses are getting to comfortable so Tony Morris sent the order to Freak-out his JWs! He decided they needed to feel more Anxiety and Depression with Guilt on top! Key qualities of the Organization, Anxious, Coveteousness, Fear and Guilt so here comes the United Nations the Watchtower was part of!
Oh lol, I got an email from my mum- she was going on about the wild beast and the harlot... but not too much- she has been a dub since 1972 and has seen it all, I guess.
But its just a report about the Vatican, really- that's really all the UN does- write reports: dozens & dozens of them: and already that report is buried under a growing mound of other reports. At least in this digital age they are not wasting sooooo much paper, lol.
What will the Witnesses say when the UN brings out a report against the pedophile cover-ups in JW land? Of course they will scream: Persecution! At least the Catholic Church is becoming more open about the problem. Not so, the JWs... It's a case of the pot calling the kettle black.