Just search jehovahs witness and it shoild pop up. It begins with a report on the pedo in the news and is now going on 6 pages of comments.
Active debating going on in topix
by nonjwspouse 11 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I wouldn't show for me. Do you have a link?
this is the title :
DA: Jehovah Witness Church concealed molestation crimes
Lets see if this works
that is the mobile platform though
Typical, loyal JWs defend the GB/WTBTS without seeing their own hypocrisy for condemning other religions for the exact same behavior.
- When a Catholic priest molests a child, it is PROOF they are part of "False Religion/Babylon the Great/Satan's World."
- When a Jehovah's Witness elder molests a child, it is PROOF that there are bad, imperfect people even in God's Organization.
................The link works great..
..It`s a hot topic,the pages are building..
The JW Defenders are getting Decimated..
Thanks and marked. They are going at it! I have yet to see a logical comment from any JW, on any forum, when it comes to child abuse. How a JW can know about the pedophile issues and the cover-ups, and still blindly follow the GB is beyond comprehension. Perhaps that is why the GB put so much effort into the cover-ups. They know that people will be outraged.
I posted on Topix for awhile. There some really crazy posters, some Watchtower apologists, and a few nice people. It was fun for a while, but you had the same people saying the same things over and over as well as frequent threats of lawsuits, insults and stupidity. It finally got old. Maybe I will drop in.
Lisa, I can see how that can be. This topic was going good and might continue. Don't know. But I did notice like DD said, the JW apologists are really rather disgustingly vile and attack personally. VERY vile a few times. Lector very well may have had some posts deleted. I mean really sick attacking writing.
This is a pattern I have seen in many places. is it real, or just people pretending to be JW? I have a feeling it is the former because they can hide behind a keyboard so they let all thier pent up anger out on those boards.
What do you think?
If just one actually investigates and thinks, it's worth posting in my opinion. But it gets old fast and a sane person can't visit such hateful JW apologist posts continuously. ugh
I have seen it on message boards everywhere, it seems a lot of people have a lot of pent up rage, and use the anonymity of the internet to let it out. It might be worse among the dubs, they aren't really allowed to speak their mind, and the cult indoctrination leads them to believe they are smarter than other people. It's a real lesson in the benefits of having moderators. We have some heated debates here, but on the whole people are a lot more civilized. Some of those people on Topix seem mentally ill.