Why “Thousands of years” instead of Billions???

by Bloody Hotdogs! 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bloody Hotdogs!
    Bloody Hotdogs!

    JWs have long ascribed “billions of years” to the age of the earth, yet only “thousands” to the length of the creative days (see 2014 Awake! on creation). WHY???? What game are they playing??

    They don’t even say ‘tens’ or ‘hundreds’ of thousands – only ‘thousands’, like more than one, but less than what; ten?

    Are they sticking with the old idea that each day was seven thousand years long? If so, the continents would be no older than 40k years! Dinosaurs would be living around the time of early man! HOW ARE JWs NOT YOUNG EARTH CREATIONISTS??

  • Finkelstein

    Sticking to the Bible is the source of their power and authority, so why discredit anything the bible says if thats their inherent intent.

    The Watchtower Corporation was spawn from ignorant corrupt men, who basically marketed their own power and control centralized around them.

    Therefore modern day scientific discoveries have little use to them to support their own personal agenda, particularly so if if that certain information contradicts their own expressed teachings.


    Thats also why the WTS. has always discouraged higher education, as one GB member (G. Locshe) recently put it " One might as well put a gun to your head ! "


    Again using fear to control people has been the game the WTS. has played on to the general public for a long

    time now and its not bit the least remorseful or empathic in doing so.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Did the GB member actually say that pursuing higher education was akin to putting a gun to your head?

  • blondie

    The WT equates the creation of the universe or planet itself with millions or billions or years, but not the creation of life and the means to support it on earth/solar system.

    But 42,000 years is what the WTS says it encompasses, 6 creative days of 7,000 years each deduced by using the bible to determine the number of years from the creation of Eve (the last creation) to the beginning of the 1,000 year reign which they say has to occur within the 7th creative day. The WTS hides behind the time gap from the creation of Adam to the creation of Eve once saying it was only one year (to fit 1975 prophecy) to an ambiguous amount of years now. 1975, 6,000 years of HUMAN HISTORY starting in the 6th creative day.

    "Aid" book claimed Adam and Eve were created in the same year:Adam at age 130 had a son, Seth --Aid to Bible Understanding, p.333Eve at age 130 had a son, Seth -- Aid to Bible Understanding, p.538

    *** w76 7/15 p. 436 pars. 17-18 Keeping a Balanced View of Time ***

    There are reasons why we cannot know this. For one thing, even though Bible chronology clearly indicates that we have reached the mark of six thousand years since the time of the creation of the first human, Adam, it does not tell us just how long after that event the sixth creative day came to its close and the seventh creative period or “day,” God’s great rest day, began. Genesis chapter two, verse three, says that Jehovah blessed and made sacred that “day,” and it therefore seems reasonable that it will see within its bounds the removal of the wicked old order and the establishment of God’s righteous new order by means of the thousand-year reign of God’s Son. Thus there is reason for believing that that thousand-year period will form the closing part of that great rest day and will restore the earth and its inhabitants to a perfect state. That would enable God to say of that seventh day and its results—as he did of other creative days—that “it was good.”—Gen. 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31.

    18 But that great rest day did not begin immediately after Adam’s creation. Other events took place after Adam’s creation but before the close of the sixth creative day. One of these is of great importance to all of us. That is the creation of the first woman, Eve. Without that none of us would be alive today, for, as the apostle Paul states at 1 Corinthians 11:12, “just as the woman is out of the man, so also the man is through the woman,” all of us needing a human mother to be born.

    *** w76 1/1 p. 30 Do You Remember? ***

    Why do we not know when God’s “rest day” began and when it will end?

    Although the time of Adam’s creation can be determined, the beginning of God’s “rest day” cannot. This is so because there was a time lapse of unspecified length between Adam’s creation and the creation of Eve. Not until after the creation of Eve did God’s “rest day” begin. The start of that day being unknown, its end is likewise unknown.—P. 579.

  • Finkelstein

    Did the GB member actually say that pursuing higher education was akin to putting a gun to your head?

    Yes, there is a video of his talk out on the net somewhere.

    Like higher education never helped humanity.

    Typical self serving apathetic rhetoric infused with fear to control people minds, things haven't changed much in the

    Watchtower Kingdom.

    The lies and corruption are still there, serving the men at the top well as usual.

  • blondie

    The WTS accepts "worldly" scientific "facts" when it suits them.

    *** it-2 p. 1032 Star ***

    The fact that rays from remote stars and galaxies millions of light-years distant now reach giant telescopes on earth indicates that the creation of these astral bodies occurred millions of years in the past, since otherwise these rays would not yet have reached our planet. Such creation is evidently included in the initial statement at Genesis 1:1: “

  • designs

    One thing the Society misdirects is that Genesis 1:1 is part of the creative days. They try to seperate it to sound "modern" and make the Bible more palatable.

  • Finkelstein

    The discouraging of higher education has been a main stay for decades by the WTS., why because

    they want people to sell and distribute their published goods, or work printing and working in its many

    branches ... its a publishing house remember.

    You'll appease Jehovah if you do, remember also that judgment day is coming soon, meaning you will be evaluated

    upon your steadfast devotion to his earthly publishing house..


    One thing you can expect from leaders of this organization they are meagerly educated corrupt liars

    who are avowed to keep the WTS. going at all costs, thats their position and responsibility.


    Human ignorance is the life blood for most religions and they are somewhat intent in keeping it that way.

    They don't want people thinking for themselves, rather they want to be the educators and information givers

    as a means to circumvent their own power and control over people.


    The WTS was founded by amateurish bible theologians, one a clothing salesman and the other lawyer, neither had

    formal theology training but they did have a zest for power and control, which they mostly acquired through

    imposing the fear of god on to the public, self supported by the literature they published themselves.


    One could realistically look at this organization as a model example of the freedom of religion in America

    in a framework of religious charlatanism.

  • Syme

    Bloody Hotdogs!,

    It is all due to the Seventh Day: The seventh day is linked to the JW eschatology: it covers the period from the end of God's creative works to the ending of the 1.000 years Christ's reign. This period has to be around 7.000 years and not a lot more. If it lasted, say, 1M years or 1Bil years, do you understand the implications for the JW eschatology? Armageddon and the Millenium would be postponed to some millions years in the future!

    No prophet has any chance of gaining followers unless he speaks of an IMMINENT 'End'.

    They could, of course, change the length of only the*first* 6 days to millions of years, but then they'd have to justify somehow why the 7th day has different length.

  • Finkelstein

    Good point Syme

    Religionists like the WTS/JWS take the 7 days of creation story literally, disregarding the fact that

    the ancient Hebrews were just as ignorant of the world they lived in as all the other ancient

    civilizations around them at the time. This should be truthfully accepted.

    We know better now.

    The earth geological evolution tells a much much longer story as well the biological evolution on this planet,

    add some astrophysics into the equation and what appears is very long time scale indeed, certainly

    immensely greater of a time scale of what was written in any ancient text found in human history.

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