Any suggestions?
How can I copy/paste on Firefox?
by LogCon 11 Replies latest jw friends
I use Kindle, I have trouble with cut and paste also. At one time I could do it, then something changed and I would get an error message. As a work around I find that if I click on Word text box (2nd row, 5th one from left )I can paste into that, then I can insert that into the post. I hope that helps
I do all the time. Highlight, ctrl-c, go to where I am putting it, ctrl-v. To make it a link I have to highlight and add the link again. Microsoft does this automatically.
I can copy and paste in Firefox everywhere but on this site. I can copy from this site into a Word doc, and then copy that and paste it here, but cannot directly copy and paste. Mozilla provides instructions on setting up/updating your Firefox user profile, specifically adding commands to the user.js file and then changing them to point to this site...I'm fairly computer literate and did all that but still cannot upload an image or copy and paste photos/memes into the site. Frustrating! Maybe Outlaw or Blondie has a quick fix?
I'm having the same issue.
I researched this the other day and found a solution that involved modifying config settings:
Here's a second option, an add-on:
I haven't tried either, but will shortly...
Band on the Run
I always get a message that I can't do it. Firefox is the only one that will let me log in. Maybe I've only tried to copy and paste here. I keep using different browsers to get things to work. Funny because I see buttons to copy and paste.
I've tried to take more advanced Internet courses.
Phae, your second link to the Add-On works! Voila! No tech savvy needed, just download it and restart Mozilla. And then you'll be able to share fun stuff like this:
i use firefox too but i have no problem with copy paste on this forum
Emeth, don't know why but without that add-on it would not allow cut-and-paste to this site only. Could be some security settings...
I have to use IE if I want to copy and paste