Welcome SecretHeart - you mention your mother got indoctrinated but you don't talk about your father - if I am not being too intrusive, can you tell us whether he became a Witness and if not, what happened to him? If you don't want to answer that is fine. I have a particular interest in families with one JW parent and one non-JW parent and the raising of the children because I am married to a Witness but was not one myself and we ahve one child together. Take care Fraz
New & Anxious
by SecretHeart11 63 Replies latest members private
hello secret heart--and welcome. what i'm about to write is only my opinion--OK ?
in any marriage--its usually the husband who " fears" any sort of dischord with his wife: obviously--the risk of loss of husbandly " previledges"
also--who does the cooking ?
or--worst case scenario--suppose things reach crisis point--who risks losing partner---home--kids--?==most times--its the husband.
wives hold the whip hand---so--firstly--try a little tenderness---if that dont work--resort to the whip.
Welcome, SecretHeart!
If hubby is irregular, he must unconsciously not really want it.
100% believers are not irregular - too scared of the Witchtower psychopath's plan to kill EVERYBODY.
Read jgnat's recent post on her hubby giving up the cult.
Hi Frazzled ! My mom became a Witness when she was separated and almost divorced from my dad. He was never a Witness and I can be thankful for that because I know that is why I am / was more balanced as a Witness than any born-ins. On my side the only family I would lose would be my mom (she remarried an elder and loves the elderette gig, although she would find as many loopholes as possible to see me if I was df'd I think, and honestly if she wasn't married to an elder I really think I could get her out). We would always get the serious guilt trip right before heading to my dads for Christmas / birthdays. It was always such a horrible feeling. Should I disappoint my mom or my dad? But I am so glad I went through that because it has made me able to see through my own eyes and become a lot more balanced.
My husband's family is generations in so we would lose all of them, plus all of our friends. Still not even sure of the route I will take, but I can't imagine staying half in the rest of my life. I want my kids to have Christmas and Birthdays while it's still so magical. That's my goal.
Bigmac, you are right. I don't truly think he would leave me, I just worry about him checking-out emotionally because he finds it so hard to deal with these sort of situations with his depression.
Welcome to JWN.
Pams girl
Welcome to JWN, I wish you everything you wish for yourself...thanks for sharing your story x
Hi, Welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your situation with us.
I can't add anything to what has already been said, but remember we are here for you and we really do understand.
Welcome and do let us know how things progress.