Looking only skin deep, and at outward appearances, the Watchtower does indeed seem to be non-violent.
However it is what one is at heart that really counts.
The Watchtower tricks their followers into going to jail to parade themselves as "non-violent" "religious objectors" (instead of genuine "conscientious objectors").
However as Jesus said our hidden disposition will be revealed by our fruits.
Behind the well-crafted facade I personally find the Watchtower to be deeply and maliciously violent, vindictive and venomous at heart.
Anyone who dares question or expose them is speedily killed, albeit declared spiritually dead to friends and family.
These same friends and family are:
- taken spiritually captive and held hostage (can't leave with honour and credibility intact)
- spiritually starved (and fed badly tainted "food")
- spiritually, psychologically, and mentally tortured (cognitive dissonance whilst kept voiceless)
- spiritually raped (seduced into prostitution with the god of religion, and into snubbing the God of Abraham and his message the liberating, unabridged, explicit and naked gospel or "Good News")
Regardless of how valid their case may be, detractors are routinely undermined, discredited, labelled, misrepresented and slandered.
How do you see the Watchtower's supremacist parading of their supposed non-violence?