I think the time has come for another letter to the local paper to alert the nice people of Berwick what its all about.
My last letter went down well...
by cofty 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think the time has come for another letter to the local paper to alert the nice people of Berwick what its all about.
My last letter went down well...
Anybody on duty with the trolley?
Yes there were 3 of them all counting their time for doing nothing.
We went up for a chat and none of them ran away. They were all decent sorts so I decided not to be objectionable.
First time I see an elder on the trolley I am going to take a Watchtower and deposit it in that litter bin in the picture. Might blow my nose on it first.
It has come to my little town also, which appears to be even smaller than yours, based on your picture. It looks ridiculous! I can see a busy train station or someplace like that but the middle of nowhere is pointless.
who pays for these things--?
what do they cost ?
who makes them ?
Make a sandwich board (freestanding type) with It's a cult! and www.jwfacts.com on it in big letters and stand it right next to the JW.org cart. Stand within rescuing distance of it as the JWs will try and remove it within 30 seconds....
Prepare for the ensuing confrontation of wills LOL.
First time I see an elder on the trolley I am going to take a Watchtower and deposit it in that litter bin in the picture. Might blow my nose on it first.
Malc, the local congregation buys them from the branch.
Ouch! not surprised at the branch supplying the stand. Does that trigger memories...
I had noticed over the years that there was the need to "regularize" and avoid anything that looked improvised or home-made.
The idea behind that I can understand to an extent--but the subliminal message to the R&F is to denigrate anything from suit to bookbage that is "irregular".
I remember a pioneer sister who wanted to "encourage" me and my youngest son (only 6 years old at the time) by taking us out in field service. She noticed his tidy but "irregular" satchel/bag and quickly supplied him with another saying "Here is an official bookbag."
I marked her comment with misgiving at the time and knew that my bright son would feel both elevated and ashamed by her intervention.
Awful that it took me so long to see the conformity that pervaded and crushed the spirit in so many ways--
-Just as cofty alluded to in the swift raising of the uniform KHs.
Thorough-going conformity in thought,word,deed and bookbag.
I am on holiday at my parents little suburb, and outside the local Iceland store two lovely sisters were manning the trolley. I watched them for a while and went about my business to the bank etc. I noticed they did not try and talk to passersby.
I am still hurt and upset I am being ignored for not good reason so I approached them. I asked a question about infant baptism to begin with. Then I talked about shunning, I did not tell them I was DF'd as I said it was a degrading title I no longer wanted to use.
The two lovely sisters talked to me and chatted for almost an hour. They thought it was Jehovah guiding me. They invited me to the meeting and I declined and said I was not prepared to go anywhere where I will be ignored for no reason, and I thanked them for talking to me and showing me kindness.
They couldn't actively shun me in a busy shopping centre. What a stupid Df'ing rule.
Well that is my experience, thanks for yours everyone else.
Kate xx