When one goes deep into the science, there are things that suggest the existence of immortal soul or a caring Supreme Soul. Hence, the question is not about lack of proofs, but is all about whether one is “willing to accept” or not (Mathew 11:14). Let us take some samples:
Electronics is an outgrowth of semiconductors which are ordinarily understood through a combination of chemistry and quantum theory. In the ground state, a semiconductor is described simply by two bands. The lower valence band is completely filled with electrons and the upper conduction band, separated by a small energy gap from the valence band, is empty. A semiconductor can be excited by various means such as heat or light energy or even by impurities. When an electron is excited from the valence band to the conduction band, it is considered as annihilated in the former and created in the later. Thus something which decays reappears again elsewhere. Its nature, too, changes. The electron was localised or confined earlier, but after excitation it is free. If this is the case with electron, what is the difficulty in accepting that the observer leaves the body (when body is no longer fit) and “returns” to where it was before, and comes back later to take another body? (Ecclesiastes 12:7; Mathew 11:14)
Science also teaches about wonderful systems such as the pain-mechanism (which alerts us to avoid further harm) in our bodies, immune system (the state of having sufficient biological defenses to avoid infection, disease, or other unwanted biological invasion) ….. etc. Do they not point to the existence of a CARING Supreme Soul? (Psalm 65:9; Jeremiah 29:11; Mathew 6:32)