Do you know any? What's your impression?
Recently in our congregation a new family moved in. Youngest son is a high school senior.
Dad was speaking glowingly of his post-high school plans.
Going to college? Trade school? Actually learn something that might enable him to earn more than minimum wage? Nope.
He's going to pioneer the instant he graduates. And then?
Dad says "I told him, pioneer for a year, then I'll be happy to send you to the Dominican Republic or Spain or wherever you like for a year, so you can pioneer there".
We live right on the cusp of a phenomenally wealthy neighborhoods, ringed by poverty. Within our congregatoin's territory there are [literally] multi million dollar McMansions, and $10,000 trailer homes plopped in a 30 X 80 plot of overgrown weeds.
As you might have surmised, the recent move-ins do not live in the latter.
It just got me to thinking - in our congegation, and other congregations that share the Kingdom Hall, there are at least a dozen spoiled, entitled late-teens to mid-20's kids who are pioneering exclusively at their parents expense.
Mommy and Daddy buy them, say, a 2010 RAV4 (2013 Escalade - a bit too flashy, 2006 Kia - too cheap), pay for their gas, insurance, room, board, expenses, etc. So long as li's junior or junioress keep pioneering, the money train keeps rolling.
Of course, these kids are phenomenally ill-equipped for anything resembling real life, and have the holier than thou attitude you'd expect.
Anything like that going on in your neck of the woods?