This made my day...

by LivingTheDream 18 Replies latest social entertainment

  • LivingTheDream

    I have been collecting and reading ex-JW books these last few years. I love 'em all, just out of pure solidarity.

    I went to order the Fourth edition updated version of Crisis of Consciense for my collection (best book ever!) and when listed the Best Sellers of Jehovah's Witness books, this is what came up (see below).

    Needless to say, it tickled me pink...

    Brock Talon

  • wizzstick

    Well deserved Brock!

  • AudeSapere

    Wow!! That *is* ticklesome good news. Very happy for you~!!

    You did good.


  • LisaRose

    Wow, congrats! Just bought it on Kindle

  • steve2

    Not to burst the collective bubble, but the Amazon lists are tailored to what you order. You may have been only one of a few people to see the list. Amazon is many many things to a lot of people - and the way they do that is to reinforce your particular valued orders. Far be it for Amazon to say your selection is at the bottom of the best of list and is only popular among religious nutters. Flattery, not rigorous honesty, ensures warm fuzzies and continued sales...Oops didn't mean to burst that darn bubble...

  • LivingTheDream


    Hmmm. Interesting. I wonder....

    Can you do me a favor then? As yourself, go to, search for "Journey to God's House". When you find the Kindle Edition of this book, select it. See what I shows for you as a "Best Sellers" ranking. Mine shows like this below:

    Then, click on any of those links to see the listings of any of those rankings. For example, my book also shows as #23 in the "Cults" category...

    I don't think you are correct about your assertion, but I could be wrong. If you check this out for us, then we'll know for sure and I'll be grateful either way...

    Brock Talon

  • LivingTheDream

    Sorry Steve2, but you're wrong.

    I did the research and found that Amazon Best Sellers Ranks are based on sales, period. They are not relative to what you are purchasing or ordering as you stated. (See below how Amazon describes this themselves)

    You are thinking about the ability for to suggest purchasing of other items based on your shopping habits. You're thinking about pop up ads in your browser that can do the same. Sure, that happens. But that is not what I was showing in my Best Sellers posting.

    When it comes to Best Sellers Rankings, it's about sales only. Now, they do have many sub-categories so that genre's like "Jehovah's Witnesses" (under Protestentism under Christianity) can stand out. My book might be eighty some thousandth on the entire Amazon site, but it can be #1 in its sub-category at the same time. So, that is what I was showing for my original posting, that our books were currently leading the JW sub-category in sales.

    Also, this list is updated hourly, so high rankings can come and go quite freqently. That is why I found it amusing to see Crisis of Conscience and my book together. That doesn't always happen because there are hundreds of ex-JW books out there selling all at the same time.

    Brock Talon (author of Journey to God's House)

  • Heartofaboy

    I bought your book Brock & found it interesting & entertaining.

    It's now been passed on.

    There must be so many more stories other Bethelites could tell.

    I wish they were more forthcoming like you.

  • steve2

    Oops, I got the basis of the lists wrong. Yes, the tailor recommendation lists are different crom the sales lists.

  • LivingTheDream

    Wizzstick, Aude - As always, thanks for your support.

    Lisa Rose - I hope you enjoy the book! Let me know on Facebook what you think about it.

    Heartofaboy - Thanks bro. I know there are more stories out there too. I've actually been writing again. I guess we will see if another book comes out of it...

    Brock Talon

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