Who Said he said?

by new hope and happiness 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it. No matter if i said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own commom sense."


    Sounds good on the surface doesnt it? Accept isnt that how you accept things that arnt true, by trusting your own reason. So its not such a wise thing to say. Besides the Buddah never even said it.

    So many of the Buddah quotes you see on twitter and facebook were never said by him.

    " The oneness of love or the oneness of knowledge" sounds good doesnt it? i am not sure who said it, maybe i invented it...tell you what it has great power if it reads:-

    " The oneness of love or the oneness of knowledge "


    How has your critical thinking developed as you become less indoctrinated in the W.T ?

  • galaxie

    Who said what jesus said? Who said what jesus said god said? And following on from that, who said what god said to whoever?.Oh I forgot its all inspired ......

    WHO SAID !!!!!????

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Thats my point Galaxie, many people dont care about the integrity of attributing statements to people that never made those statements.

    And who cares? I care . But if you point these things out to people they often get pissed off . I mean if i had a webpage which said such a person said this and they didnt, i would want to be informed of my mistake so i could rectify it. But many people seem to think its ok, if the quote fits a perseption of what they think a person should have said.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Besides the Buddah never even said it.


    Who did?

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    That is a good question " SHIRLEY"...if i had a website i could invent someting " clever" and say the Buddah said it and thats good enough in a hundred years time..even caught on. " Surely"

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I guess my point in asking is, since you offered no evidence supporting your claim that Buddha didn't say it, then why should we doubt the claims that he did say it? If you are sure Buddha didn't say it, then I'd think it only reasonable that you offer an alternative along with evidence....


    I'm just applying some sage advice I read just recently: "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it".


    "It only matters what you do." DATA-DOG

    I am now a real philosophizer..you may quote me. Also, I actually said the above. If you research it, you will find it to be 100% accurate.


  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    ...Shirley its a bad translation of the Kalama Satta...so bad in fact it should say " that reason and common sence are not sufficient for assertaining truth...."

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Auntshirley said " i love jehover" as i offer no claims you sidnt say it, lets assume you said it.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    ...Shirley its a bad translation of the Kalama Satta...so bad in fact it should say " that reason and common sence are not sufficient for assertaining truth...."


    I know this...I just wanted to know if you knew.

    P.S. (I once was the unwitting victim of a bad translation from "The Kama Sutra"....I still hurt. LOL).


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