Many JWs are misfits and many that were raised as JWs find it difficult to be "normal". Are you comfortable with yourself at this point in time?
Are You Comfortable With Who You Now Are?
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
just fine
Absolutely! I was raised in it and left more than 15 years ago. The first few years were a little rough, now life gets better and better. Freedom is a wonderful thing. Once i made peace with the decision I had made the rest was easy. Once you find your balance to the point no one can shake you from it, the witnesses have no control.
no--i want to be someone else
I didn't know who I really was when I was a JW. Now I'm not, I'm happy to find the real me and I like me.
I would like to lose a little weight, but otherwise- YEAH!
I know what I know and I am able to say "I don't know" when I don't- instead of pretending to have all the answers.
YES...very much so.
I did go through a period of bitterness when it came to lack of a career/college education. But the more people I work for, the more I realize I'm more qualified than half of them.
Leaving Jehovah's Witnesses was the key to daily happiness
You Comfortable With Who You Now Are?
Heck. What's normal?
I'll take my abnormal fiftysomething self any day. Yep, I'm pretty comfortable except from the aches and pains brought on by an overenthusiastic fitness instructor. Five sets of stairs? Really? Really?
YES!!! With a lip curling.......AHUH HUH LETS ROCK!!
The last thing I want to be is "normal." I am more than happy to be beyond 3 standard deviations from normal. May be that is an over exaggeration - 2 SDI.