One mom, half a dad, and at least three friends lost... But at least 4 lives "saved" from WT mind control... 400 to go

by ILoveTTATT 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • KateWild

    Congratulations on your moving on. Well done for doing your way and being in control. What a fine example, and what a refreshing surprise one of your friends knows TTATT, that is wonderful news.

    Life will be full of ups and downs now be prepared and take the rough with the smooth, but remember you are free from WT now.

    Take care love Kate xx

  • ILoveTTATT

    Thanks Kate!!

    I am giving everyone the opportunity to learn ttatt. So if they want to take it, fine, if they don't, then that's fine too...

    It's sad when you tell them that the stuff is in the WT library and they don't even want to check THAT!!

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    A great story, the story of you. I was only 2 weeks away from baptism, consumed by anxiety and panic, agoraphobic tendencies....and they FORCED me (they did), to attend the assembly in Cardiff, while my mother lay dying in a coma........I turned up an hour late (panic attack in car)....and instead of concern and worry, was met with snake eyes and whispers.....I sat next to my only friend...and she said "You are late!"............

    At that moment, something inside me "broke".....and I walked out, and never returned. My mam saved me in a way, even though she passed the next day.

    What I am trying to say, despite the palpatations in my chest is.............I thought that was the end for me...mam died, and they all abandonded me (that took less than 24hrs!), and I had never felt more lost or hopeless.......and my anxiety and everything else was so much worse....for months...then I found JWN, and somehow........Jehovah didnt strike me down, and life went on........and I began my recovery. From myself, and from them.

    Little steps will get you there. You will look back one day and realise the little things, were, in fact, the BIG things....... I realised that despite my problems, I would rather live life as ME and loose them, and all the cupboard love (a Welsh saying.......they only love you when you conform/behave) than pretend to be someone else, and be a robot. They compounded my illness, and whipped me for it. I am getting there, and in the great scheme of and be happy, it's not a dress rehersal. I wish you all you wish for yourself. x


  • monis

    Hello! i am glad that you and your best friend found out that you both know TTATT. maybe your fb status will dig up

    more? i wish i had the guts to put that up on fb... good for you!

  • ILoveTTATT

    So... 508... then 488... now 484 friends.

    Officially, I got the news that I will be df'd.

    I will write about my "JC over the phone"....

    Took them less than a minute of talking to decide to DF me....

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi ILoveTTATT, Were the elders able to find your publisher card? I thought that if the elders could not find your publisher card, then they could not Df you.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • ILoveTTATT

    Well... you know how they are... if they want you out, they'll find a way...

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    I'm so sorry, my last post was meant for another person on another thread. Doh. Damd you anxiety. Sorry x

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