Qualifications for Elders & MS

by snakeface 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • snakeface

    We all know that elders and ministerials are appointed by holy spirit. Right? RIGHT? Of course they are...

    Here is what I have seen. I was in the organization for about 25 years and was in 4 different congregations over the years.

    In one congregration there was a sister in her mid-50's with an unbelieving husband. He did not attend meetings. I think he used to come only to the memorial but I don't really remember. The only thing I remember is his Jaguar. She did not drive, so he would drop her off at the meetings and pick her up afterward and everyone would admire his Jaguar. She never pioneered; she kept a low profile. She would comment and go out in service but that was about it. Well, after years of being an unbelieving husband, he suddenly "came into the truth" almost overnight. When everyone heard that he got baptiized, they had the same reaction I did: "I didn't even know he was studying." Afterward, within about 18 months he was an elder! Hmmm...

    Later, in another congregation...Well first let me explain that the congregations I've been in were about 85 or 90% white (I am white too) and there were never any black elders or MS. Just a coincidence? The above-mentioned couple were white by the way.

    Anyway, in this other congregation there was this real nice black couple with 2 teens, a boy and a girl. The teens were well behaved, the whole family dressed properly, were present at every meeting/assembly/event. The husband and son were always helping anyone and everyone with yardwork, fixing things at their houses, etc. The mother and daughter visited anyone who went into the hospital and looked after elderly sickly ones and cleaned their houses and cooked for them. All family members were in the ministry school, always arrived at the hall early and left late, always cleaned the hall and did the outside work. The family auxiliary pioneered every summer. They did "all the right things" and were a model family. When I was a MS I had a few conversations with him, commending him and his family and my intention was to encourage him to "reach out". He explained that he had been reaching out for years and praying to Jehovah about it for years. He really wanted very badly to be a MS. But he concluded that it was not Jehovah's will. He told me that so-and-so (another exemplary black brother) had been reaching out and praying too, for years. But he and his family have to keep on being whole-souled and putting the kingdom first and they have to wait on Jehovah's appointed time etc etc etc.

    How sad.

  • sir82

    Here are the real qualifications for being an MS and/or elder, in order of importance:

    1) 10 hours of field service (or more) per month

    2) Family members perform 10 hours of field service (or more) per month (some allowance made for kids under age 16 or so)

    3) Willingness to obey orders exactly as specified, no matter how stupid or inefficient they are, submissively and meekly

    4) "Visibility" in the congregation - showing up for KH cleaning & work days, answering at meetings, etc.

    5) No judicial issues within the past 5 years

    Lip service is given to the qualifications in 1 Timothy 3, but those qualities are so vague & ambiguous that nearly every JW male can be considered to meet them.

    Qualities such as kindness, compassion, intelligence, humility, modesty, patience, generosity, etc. are NEVER considered. In fact, anyone who truly practices them is likely to be viewed with suspicion & held back from "privileges".

  • snakeface

    Well this family certainly met #'s 1-5. Whereas the Jaguar driver could not have.

    What I have seen is, the body of elders bends those rules. They appoint whom they want.


    Sir, great list. Let me "adjust" them for my KH. Italics mine.

    1) 10 hours of field service (or more) per month for a year. No averaging, i.e. 10hrs, then 12, then 6, then 15, then 8, ect....

    2) Family members perform 10 hours of field service (or more) per month (some allowance made for kids under age 16 or so) No allowances for sick children or the winter season.

    3) Willingness to obey orders exactly as specified, no matter how stupid or inefficient they are, submissively and meekly

    4) "Visibility" in the congregation - showing up for KH cleaning & work days, answering at meetings, etc. This is the single most important factor.

    5) No judicial issues within the past 5 years

    Lip service is given to the qualifications in 1 Timothy 3, but those qualities are so vague & ambiguous that nearly every JW male can be considered to meet them. You can actually meet the scriptural qualifications, but not qualify from an Organizational standpoint. I have this on record.


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    6) Be willing to look the other way when real problems exist, thereby maintaining the status quo.

    7) Interest only in protecting your own position, and BOE as a group, before anything else. Justice does not matter. (see point #6)


    As Ray Franz so astutely observed, the most important duties for a JW man serving, or desiring to serve, cannot be counted on a time slip. The things (scripturally) required in order to qualify to serve can't be counted and are, in very real terms, unimportant in WT's mindset...

  • daringhart13

    I served as an elder for just under 12 years. I was part of appointing several men to 'elders.'

    I can assure you that 'holy spirit' has nothing to do with it. Here is what it always comes down to:

    Service average over 10 hours

    Is he a good speaker?

    Does the CO like him?

    Everything else is just noise. The elder arrangment is totally absurd. Most of them have never read the Bible, don't read the literature and have all sort of personal secrets/sins. Many of the men I served with struggled with porn. Their kids were complete train wrecks.

  • DesirousOfChange


    I think y'all may have missed the most important qualification:


  • straightshooter

    Do not upset any elder, it can take one who disapproves one.

  • piztjw

    I can verify that everything written above is true.

    Where I live the main qualifications are: 1). Being related to an already appointed elder. 2). Having been studied with by an elder. 3). A mans chances are directly proportional to the size of the "contributions" he makes to the KH plus the cash he "gifts" to already appointed elders. 4). Of course the field serve us is a big thing too. Counting time is much more important that making time count!

    Some things that will automatically get a man disqualified: 1). Taking time to help elderly or handicapped members of the congregation without trumpeting your good deeds. 2). Using ones time to better your financial outlook. For example having a savings account or cash on hand for emergencies. That's not trusting Jehovah, y'know?

    Argh...I have to quit. I'm getting ill just thinking about the lack of Bible based decisions by elders, at all levels!

  • Quarterback

    The Holy Spirit seems to work strongly on people who drives Jaguars.

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