Hey, it worked for King David! You should tell them that you are checking yourself into a mental health facility, just for a bit. They are so busy that they will NOT want to deal with any of that.
So let's get this straight.. The Eldumbs evidently do not believe in demons, not really, or the would not have recommended that you visit a mental health professional. Ironically, they also do NOT believe in "anointed" JW's, execpt the GB. They strongly imply that any who feel they are anointed are more than likely mentally and emotionally unbalanced, and that these ones should ask for forgiveness. So...
1) Demons/ evil spirits = go to a mental health professional
2) Anointed/ Holy Spirit = you need a mental health professional
Do these guys really believe in anything spiritual at all?? Probably not, IMO. JWism is just an Adventist/Jewish mish-mash that promotes a materialistic view in the guise of a spiritual outlook. For JWs, using their "eyes of faith" means blindly following an earthly/physical corporation and it's fallible human leaders.