Overwhelming Fear of Death

by Perversion of a truth 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shanagirl

    I have faced death twice with major illness. I do admit I have feared death in the past during my life, especially when I was a younger JW. But now, not so much. I'm still working out my spiritual leanings since leaving the Watchtower Cult. Tho, I was raised a Catholic before becoming a JW in 1969, and leaving in 2002, I went thru a period where I believed I had to keep my relationship with the Jehovah god but as time has gone by and I have explored other ancient religious and esoteric writings, I now don't really believe the Bible is the most accurate book to put faith in and give me the comfort I need regarding my fears of death and dying. Since, major health issues prompted me to examine how I feel, as well as traumatic events in my life, I had what some might call an epiphany. It was an accute realization within myself that I literally visualized during this time of trauma, that I felt truly connected to God as I pictured as Light embracing my own inner light. It was this intense feeling within myself that led me to search what this could mean, because I "knew" in my heart that this as not the WT god, but something I percieved as True God and Christ getting me thru this trauma. It was during those days I began looking reading a book "Jehovah Unmasked" which in turn led me to Gnostic scriptures and writings. It helped me to form my spiritual leanings I have now, and I honestly do not fear death. I do not have a longterm view of my future, and I'm ok with that.


  • Viviane

    You didn't exist for ~14 billions year before you were born and it didn't bother you then.




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  • Syme

    Perversion of a truth,

    I STRONGLY recommend the book "Staring at the Sun" by Irvin Yalom. It deals with that topic exactly: fear of death. Please read it. It is like a journey in Epicurus' Garden. (you'll find what that is in the book)

  • Hortensia

    I went through a period of being afraid of dying. I went through a period of being sad that life is so short and death is forever. Funny, what helped is my practical nature (can't do anything about it, so don't worry about it), and the realization that if I'm dead, I won't know. I don't think about it much anymore, and when I do, I don't feel bad about it.

    I hope you come to that point, too. You will, if you just think about it logically, and then get on with making your life more worthwhile while you have it.

  • mynameislame

    Sometimes I feel bad that I wasted so much time as a dub, but honestly thats part of who I am and that's ok.

    Meditation videos on youtube and other places on the web really helped me to relax.

    You can change your feelings by working hard to change what you spend time thinking about.

    People say you become what you think about most of the time.

    Even if not true, thinking negative most of the time will make you depressed.

    When you start thinking about death change the mental subject.

    A couple things that help me to stop thinking about negative stuff is;

    Picturing stop sign when I start thinking negative.

    Taking my negative thoughts and pretending to play them like a record while scratching them with the record needle.

    Some people who are more visual might want to think of them like a micky mouse cartoon.

    The things tha the seemed to help the most were probably the meditation and hypnotism videos on youtube, podcats etc...

    There are also a ton of motivational books that you can listen to and download from youtube.

    Just search for full book on youtube and you will start to find stuff. The more you find the more you will find.

    I also try to start and end my day by thinking about what I am grateful for. It is hard at first but slowly gets easier as time goes by.

    It might seem odd but if you were sick and had to take a pill every day you wouln't feel the least bit odd about doing it.

    I have gone from chronic depression and negative thinking to being happy most of the time.

  • mynameislame

    I've worked hard to overcome negative thinking. I have been working at it diligently for about 2-3 years and it still takes work I'm definitely much better than I used to be though.

    I spent years of my life being depressed and way too much time thinking about how people had done me wrong.

    I am amazed that I almost never find myself thinking about negative stuff anymore.

    I even try to spend some time thinking about what I am grateful for.

    It takes some time but you get better and better at it until the pendulum swings in the other direction where positive thinking starts to become the norm

    A few of the things that have helped me.

    youtube meditation and hypnosis videos. There's also tons of stuff on the web that isn't on youtube.

    Motivational books, from my library, both books and cd's. Many libraries even let you download books and audio books right from their website these days.

    Motivational books on youtube, I can't believe how many books and cd's I find on youtube. Some are copies of the cd some people will actually sit down and read a book and post it on youtube.

    Search for "full book" and then start to narrow down your search when you find stuff you are interested in.

    Youtube will start to help you out by finding related stuff.

    "The secret" was very motivational. Even if it isn't true it helps me to think more positive and I have become more positive.

  • mynameislame

    Hmm looks like i double posted, I thought I had hit the back button and lost my entire post but it looks like I actualy hit the submit button.

    Damn Wine!

  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman

    Start believing in an afterlife - sorted.

    This is why believers win either way - even if they are wrong they face death as not the end but a transition.

    You need some sort of spirtual belief.

  • cofty

    Start believing in an afterlife - The Scotsman

    Deciding to believe in something is not an authentic way to live.

    Learn stuff, read things that make you think. Seek out the very best arguments against your current opinions and the most eloquent apologists. Be open-mineded and as objective as possible. Your beliefs will take care of themself. I tend to realise in retrospect what my beliefs are. Sometimes it surprises me.

    I don't fear death but I am incandescent about having to leave the party. So much still to do and so many thing still to learn.

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