A demon possessed hoime, allegations of infedelity, slander and other cool stuff

by confusedandalone 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • confusedandalone

    Ok so I am sure some of you saw th eletter my mom wrote. I simply responded with:



    As I stated before. My door is always open if the two of you are willing to come to my home and see your grandkids. There is no alternative. As stated in the article listed below necessary family business is allowed by your church. I will continue to live a normal life among normal humans that are not going to judge me at every turn.

    Confusedand Alone


    Her response:



    I have no intention of reading the apostate info you sent.(How is an article the WATCHTOWER WROTE APOSTATE???? SHE IS SO INDOCTRINATED THAT SHE THINKS ANYTHING I SEND HER IS APOSTATE. Well they are apostates I suppose so go figure) That craziness is why you chose to no longer be a part of Jehovah's organization. It truly saddens us. You blame my spiritual brothers for us obeying what Jehovah says in the scriptures at Matthew
    "For I came to cause division, with a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a young wife against her mother-in-law. 36 Indeed, a man’s enemies will be persons of his own household. 37 He that has greater affection for father or mother than for me is not worthy of me; and he that has greater affection for son or daughter than for me is not worthy of me." Luke 12:51-53 says similar. The bottom line is this is Jehovah's standard. Don't forget that Jesus said at Matthew 25:44-46.....
    ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you?’ 45 Then he will answer them with the words, ‘Truly I say to you, To the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.’ 46 And these will depart into everlasting cutting-off, ......Don't you realize what you are doing?!

    Our grandchildren are dear to us and have a special place in our hearts. They are not responsible for what you have done or the choices you made. What I said about those Jehovah has given to Dad & It doesn't mean we don't want to spend time with our grand-children. It means exactly what we said...., That Jehovah gives us spiritual family members to love. If we show love to each other, that love can grow. For many of us who serve Jehovah, the only real family we have is our spiritual family. We value our spiritual family. Dad & I have not severed the natural affection we have for you or your children. As I've stated many times over, we love you and the kids and our hearts are grieved that you have chosen to leave us. Make no mistake & don't misunderstand, you have left Jehovah & us. We never left you. Also, I think I stated plainly, Dad & I don't want to come into your home to see the kids as long as you are in your present state. If you'd be kind enough to bring the children here or allow them to visit us at <My Sisters Name Removed> that's fine.

    Our publications don't vilify worldly people, ConfusedandAlone.(Is she serious) You know that. Their persecution of our brothers is shown for what it is. Even Jesus showed his "brothers & sisters" were those who did his Father's will. I know I have the truth that Jehovah has given us in his word. I have not wasted any of my life dedicated to Jehovah. I'm so sorry that you look at any part of the world and call it normal. There is no such thing as a normal life in this system. We are striving to achieve the "real life". Soon this system will be gone. We know that. We pray for Jehovah's kingdom. When it's manifested here on earth as it is in heaven, all that you are calling normal is going to be done away with.

    Dad &I have wonderful memories of you, from birth to adult hood and We're going to hold onto them with the hope that we'll be united again & can add to them. Dad & I again say...humble yourself. Remember the prodigal. Jesus' teaching is the only way for us to live, ConfusedandAlone.

    Remember, we do love you and hope you'll return to us.

    Mom & Dad


    Ok so the letter is full of insanity, cult-speak and arrogance and I have pretty much written it off. No more than 20 minutes after getting this letter I get a call from my sister asking me totalk to the kids because my mother has convinced them that demons have taken over my home and it is the reason that I stopped going to the hall and is probably the reason my sister is no longer going.............. My sister knows that is not the case but trying to convince 6 year old kids that grandma lied is another story. What kind of cult does this to people. I now truly believe that my mother is mental. Growing up we always heard weird stories. Like her wedding night the Demons attacked her and my father because of a worldly relative that gave them a gift. The spent the next day destroying or throwing away half the gifts the reciefved because they removed the cards off the boxes before taking them home. She was proud of this story. Apparently sdhe woke up and she could see but could not move. She called out to Jehovah for help and could not hear her own voice.. 10 minutes later of constant calling to Jehovah and the demons stopped... this is seriously the story we always heard.

    THen the story of a friend who was attacked by the demons but not a normal one. It was like a small goblin that would throw her around and abuse her. The friend so tired of it every night ripped pages out the bible that had Jehovahs name and spread them on the bed. That night the little demon walks in-between the pages and beats her anyway. AAfter months of this she found a necklace that was under the carpet that belonged to the previous owner... This is a literal story she told us all the time when we brought something home from someone not a witness and everyone at the hall and people believed it. I truly think that she is crazy.

    Or maybe the story of the brother at the door who had a doberman set on him by the owner. THe dog got 2 feet from him and feel to the ground drooling and gasping and died... an angel did it.........................

    On top of all this, my wife goes to the elders of the old hall to address matters that people (my mother and her pioneer friends) that I cheated on my wife on a business trip and this is the reason I did all this... to hide over the fact that I was unfaithful. WHich is obviously not true because all of our business trips we attend together. Anyway the CoBE says to her, "Your husband is not a JW. Her brought this on himself when he made the decision he made. We discussed this Sis. ConfusedandAlone. The fact of the matter is what they are doing is the same as if the ppioneers were starting rumors about Harry Belafonte or Obama... they are not part of the congregation so what can we do?


    You have got to love this religion. There is no way you can make this shit up. It is as if they truly believe all of this stuff is from GOD and not these 8 fools. I no lonmger really have any feelings over the things happening. My wife is slowly getting there, but she still gets upset over the lies. I just hope some lurkers are reading this stuff. I hope those studying are reading this stuff. People need to know that this religion is literally for people with disorders.

  • Comatose

    OMG... Makes me want to get drunk. But, I'm 1 year sober... How you handle this insanity is beyond me. She is rude and disgusting to not be able to show tact and empathy in addressing you.

  • jgnat

    My advice stands. Time and distance.

  • confusedandalone

    Coma, I honestly believe after some long thought that she may have some form of mental disorder. I think she really believes these stories and I think she really believes the lies she tells people. As a kid she did the samething to people so I guess the fact it is happening to me should not be a surprise.

  • AlphaMan

    The JW religion really is bat-shit crazy. I like your advise to the JW lurkers who come here to read about the religion. Hopefully, some still have the ability to think for themselves and get them & their family out of this wacky cult. Think about it.....a religion that has all these crazy demon phobias, doesn't take blood transfusions, shuns their family members, men can't have beards, marital bedroom activity is regulated, you have to turn in a time slip every month, the list of crazy things just goes on & on.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Confused you are probably correct about your mother, but cult indoctrination could be playing a large part in it too.

    I think you know that the kids will only suffer at the hands of your mother if he gets her way with them. Stick to your terms and make sure you are always present so cult indoctrination of the kids can be nipped in the bud or avoided if possible.

  • Apognophos

    Sad. But you should at least reply to her and politely inform her that you attached a Watchtower article, not 'apostate craziness'. That was an article, right, and not from the Shepherd book?

  • confusedandalone

    @Witness - Me and the wife decided last night after the lastest round of rumors that she will not be allowed to see the kids period. Nothing good can come of it. She doesn't even deserve to see them. Just because you come out of someone does not mean you are forever indebted to them. Atleast I do not think so. It is officially a wrap for her in regards to this matter. I have no reason to believe that she can keep all this cult attack trash to herself.

    @AlphaMan - The only real reason I even post this craziness anymore is because I really do hope that people wondering if this group is for them will read it and realize that they need to get away as fast as possible

  • confusedandalone

    Apognophos - Yes it was a Watchtower publication... Honestly I do not think it will matter. She is gone. I am actually done with her now. It goes beyond my duty as a child to keep pressing this. The woman is telling people I cheated on my wife and that my DA is because I am too proud to admit it. WHO THE HELL EVEN COMES UP WITH STUFF LIKE THAT. I do not even care if it is some last ditch effort to get me back into her religion. She is done

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Good confused, and thanks for posting these letters, they are certainly eye opening and will be a help to some.

    As you have changed your terms (i.e "you are always welcome to come see them" etc etc) it might be polite to tell them and the reasons why.... just to cross the t's and dot the i's and try and avoid the obvious path of them demonising you even more.

    Your brain will be screaming Nooooooo, but longer term it could be a good move.

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