But I plan to buy her a gift and a blank card in a week or two to show appreciation to her as wife and mother in substitution for Valentine's Day and Mother's day
no Valentiene's Day stress - there is one benefit to being married to a Witness
by Frazzled UBM 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
That's loving of you Fraz. It's nice to see an appreciative husband and you are teaching your son that men outside the org are loving and caring individuals, then as he grows he will follow your fine example.
Kate xx
Good point, there. But you know...I've always hated this day. It usually brings back memories of the first girl who rejected me in high school.
I just don't feel a need to participate in these traditions anyhow. There's no rule that says I shouldn't and no rule that says I should. It's just stuff that people choose to do, still alien to me. I still can't get into it.
I guess I've just been too tired and probably depressed to be romantic. Was just thinking about the book of love songs I wrote for my wife and gave to her years ago, when we first got married. It was like, almost 50 of them. But she didn't want to read it.
I was reading some of them today and maybe I understand why. Mostly I wrote about how sad it was when she broke up with me back when we dated the first time, and how much I missed her. I guess reading them all might have made her feel sad about it or something. But hey, she had every right to leave and go her own way. I had no claim on her and wasn't able to judge her on her own merits free of JW interference back then. It's just sad that...well, never mind.
But yeah, that's about the only perk about being married to a JW.
I would gladly do my best to spread the love on Valentine's Day and shower my wife with gifts then and on her birthday and Christmas if she could give up on being a JW.
I have worked on it and have succeeded to some degree.
I have some control over my sister's trustfund, put aside by my grandmother because my sister is very ill. Part of that control is buying gifts for loved ones FROM my sister. The trustfund limits gifts to graduation, birthdays, Christmas. That's really all. So, my JW wife and JW mother have to abide by the limitations in order to get gifts, and I kind of insist that they get gifts because we have done so much financially for my sister and this is the only thing she can pay back.
So my JW wife and JW mother have to physically buy their own gifts for their birthday and for Christmas, pass the receipts on to me, and thank my sister for the gifts. (I don't let anyone get a gift reimbursement without the 'thank you.')
My wife is so used to caving in now, that she sent me links to Valentine's Day deals on chocolate covered strawberries and I bought those for her. To make sure she can accept them, she said to have them delivered "after" the holiday.
Trust me on this- a bunch of these gift-giving holidays are silly, but the silliness is better than saying it's all from Satan.
jean-luc picard
Mrs P ( a Catholic) says she isn't bothered about special days, and usually I dont do anything.
But today, I decided to get a box of chocolates, specially made in a small family business.
As she will not be expecting anything, that WILL be special, and I will feel good too.
Enjoy life. jlp
Frazzled UBM
jlp - I think doing it when it isn't expected makes it better. My ex-wife who was worldly had high expectations and every year it was a drama so that is what I meant by Valentine Day's stress.
But otwo, I would happily shower my wife with Valentine's Day gifts if she left the cult! Who set up the special day gift stipulation in your sister's trust fund? It is a cracker for messing with the heads of Witnesses. Maybe I should do something like that in my will for my wife so I can have a chuckle at her mindless conformity to WBTS dogma after I am gone. I take it you haven't pointed out to your wife the absurdity of getting the gift delivered after V day as a way to cleanse her conscience. Classic
I forgot about the worldly holiday.. Maybe that's why my wife tried to put the moves on me today. Oh,well.. I said, "No." Anyway, I had to because we had a free night but she insisted on going to the Kingdumhell. So, I was forced to put it on lockdown.. Karma is a B****.
I got a box of chocolates for my husband to give to our daughter. I had a feeling he would not remember, or maybe intentionally not gotten something. It's hard to know nawadays). I slid it beside him to give to her this morning at breakfast. He thanked me for doing that. She was thrilled. One more little hope.....
I remember inviting my father and mother to go out on a Valentine's Day for dinner. Like this year, Valentine's Day was also on a Friday. Dad advised that he could not make it because he had an elder's meeting to attend. I asked Dad, "why would you schedule an elder's meeting on a Friday night that happens to be Valentine's Day. Are you and the other elders too cheap to take your wives out to dinner?"
Of course, this irritated Dad. He responded as I expected him to respond: "We don't celebrate SAINT VALENTINE'S DAY."
I laughed at his response, and although he got irritated, he knew I was right.
Its optional for me. I would love to celebrate it. I'm single but since I had to work this year wasnt able to go out for it. I think holidays are wonderful, but its optional for me to celebrate it. It looked fun many many years ago. Holidays nowadays seems so fake, forced, and phoney.