I wondered why. Is it to do with the re-sale value of their land?? Or do I sound cynical??
Why don't JW's bury their dead at the KH's??
by quellycatface 25 Replies latest jw friends
What, do you mean like in the front yard? Ewww.
I would think that the neighbors might have a thing or 2 to say about that. Most Kingdom Halls are in residential neighborhoods.
1. No, you are not being cynical, but remember, it's a Publishing Org and, as such, they want live bodies, not dead ones.
2. There are requirements for graveyards. You can Google that phrase and get more information if you so desire.
It can depend on the customs and laws regarding having a body in the building. I went to a funeral where the body was in the casket at the KH. I'm not familiar with all countries customs worldwide, including jws. Has anyone been in a country where the casket is shown at the KH?
I think quelly is referring to the practice of having a church parish with graveyard beside.
Running cemetaries can be profitable. In a way you are holding the family ransom. What they gonna do? Wait on their decision until their beloved deceased is well and ripe?
Here in Alberta, only municipalities and religious organizations can operate cemeteries.
IGnat,that was exactly what I meant.thanks honey xx
I think it was an outgoing practice by the time the cult was an incoming thing. I don't see too many churches except really old ones (and even many of those do not do this) with cemetaries.
The K.H will need to be sold in years to come, as part of the WT's property dealing scam.
So an adjacent Graveyard would be a problem, the new owners wouldn't want Ghost JW's knocking on their door at night !
And they could not sell the actual burial ground, so less $$$ for the W.T
I don't know why they didn't in the past though.
I agree with OTWO, only old churches around here have adjacent cemetaries and most no longer take new burials. Cemetaries tend to be separate entities either family, church, or town/village properties. I have been to several church funerals where the happenings with the casket were in a funeral home and the religious part separate in the church. Up until the early 50's, few congregations owned the building where they met, but rented. Hard to say what the rules were regarding caskets in those facilities. There are no WT rules regarding having a casket in the KH; just local customs and not offending anyone. Personally I don't like open caskets to start with. The funeral events are fine for me without that.
quellycatface - "Is it to do with the re-sale value of their land?? Or do I sound cynical??"
Probably, and no.