Oh. What an exciting day!
A baby is born and named after me.
I had a Bible study once that got pregnant.
If she had a girl she was going to name it after me, but she had a sweet little boy, instead.
Thanks Humble (d).
by humbled 17 Replies latest jw friends
Oh. What an exciting day!
A baby is born and named after me.
I had a Bible study once that got pregnant.
If she had a girl she was going to name it after me, but she had a sweet little boy, instead.
Thanks Humble (d).
Aaaaaah.... I've got a smile about a meter wide Thanks for naming the chicks after us Maeve Besides, I'll send you a PM about the pictures
Chickens make the nicest pets. I used to have 30 hens. Friends called the chicken yard the "chicken ritz" because the hens were so spoiled. I didn't mind, they laid eggs for us all the time, and kept the bugs and flies down and were friendly and sweet. I had two Rhode Island Reds who would follow me around the chicken yard as I killed flies with a swatter. I would hold out the swatter with the dead fly on it to one of the hens and she would nibble it daintily and say "thank you" with a sweet little warble. Ah, sweet memories.
DONE! the last chick is named!( Feeding the red hens off the fly swat!!!)
Hortensia, there was the final, 7th chick out yesterday. The others did not hatch, so there's the end of it.
Yes, Hortensia, chickens are lovely pets!
I acquired my motley assortment of poultry at the end of the hatching season. Five baby guineas and three unidentified chicks. The woman said she had bantams and also kept Rhode Island Reds. Certainly little Goldie has some RhodeIslandRed in her background. But she is small and obviously broody--her eggs a pale, pale brown. And small.
Well, folks, I'll take good care of your namesakes.
Loved your story humbled. I once lived on 20 acres near Luddington MI. Chickens came with the place. I loved it.
A GF I worked with was going on vacation and asked if she could bring her incubator with eggs to my house.
As they hatched I put them under the heat lamp one after another all pretty little yellow chicks.
Then to my surprise, out pops a dark, bald necked chick ??????? What is this.....I had no idea ( being a city girl ) .It looked like a vulture to me. lol
I put it under the lamp but the other chicks were not having it. They started picking on it, so I put it by it's self.
Slowly I starting adding one chick at a time to the side with the strange chick, Everything was cool, and they all got along fine.
When my GF came to pick up her chicks, I asked WHAT is that strange chick ?? " A Turkin " she said. She gave me a few RI reds for helping her out. I asked " can I have that strage looking Turkin thing " She said "yes "
I thought it was half turkey half chicken. I found out " no "it's just a kind of chicken. It's mixed babies looked like MRS. DOUBTFIRE.
TOO FUNNY........ha ha ha hahahaha........When I think back how much I loved that time in my life. My friends started calling me the bird lady.
I have a couple more funny bird stories .
scary21, I love how you solved the "strange" chick problem.
It is so fascinating to watch the dynamics of animals--that solution you came up with is very thought provoking. Goldie is managing her mothering of her 2-3 day old babies so beautifully. They pop out from under her full breast or from under her wing and "forage" in the flat pan that has finely ground feed in it. they drink so daintily from the shallow water bowl.
Goldie abandoned the 5 unhatched eggs this afternoon. Of the eggs rescued from the snow, there were 15 when I found them. Two were damaged and Goldie herself broke another whether intentional or not--but it was spoiled and showed no developing chick. Surely some of those eggs had been frozen before she began to set them. and perhaps the transfer to the house harmed some--though ultimately it saved those 7 and perhaps Goldie herself.
I am glad I am no longer conflicted about spending time with and enjoying animals. My years as a JW so discouraged taking time away from reading and studying and serving in the door-to-door work. and i had kids at home, and my husband who--thank goodness was not a JW-- and often some outside work. It was not a time to enjoy life so much as now.
O, chickens! Do you have a chance to keep any at all now?
I wish I could go back to Ludington. We had to move for hubbys job ( Bummer ) Never had the land to have birds again.
We bought two geese in the spring, a boy and a girl. The first time it snowed the male just dropped dead. The female was named Daisy.
When I would come home and get out of my car, I would call out " Daisy birrrrrrd " and she would come running. Well, Daisy built a nest in the barn
and laid a few eggs. She was sitting on these eggs that were duds...lol ( no male around ) So my husband distracted her with some lettuce while I
put a few duck eggs under her. One of them hatched and she was soooooo proud of her baby duck..........ha haha That duck thought it was a goose.
It stayed with her it's whole life Sherry
Pictures are posted => Click HERE or here to see them or go to http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/274442/1/Humbled-Valentines-chicks-pics-3b
If you've got more, Maeve, they can easily be added to the album. You know where to find me, only an email away