I will write my story soon...
It's official too: I will be DF'd... probably next Wednesday
by ILoveTTATT 30 Replies latest jw friends
Preemptive congratulations.
There's a thread that's been started on FB's exjw recovery group. It offers the premise that a bunch of us df'd ones show up at the meeting when the announcement is to be made. We all applaud and then we all leave together. If that's not support, I don't know what is.
That said, it'd be nice to be there for you, if you're planning on being there for the announcment.
ILoveTTATT, How are you feeling about it?
Mark Wednesday February 19 in your calendar. It represents the first day of the rest of your life. Congratulations!
Feeling both happy and sad for you. At least one stress factor will be out of the way, no more worries about fading, wondering if you should DA or be DF'd... Now it's time to build your new life, as a free human!
rip van winkle
Well done ILoveTTATT.
I left recently, but hope to avoid being DF'd to make it easier for my family.
I hope you have the support of people who love you, rather than blind condemnation which occurs too often.
I'm already looking forwards to reading your story.
I read most of your posts during the past months. I was feeling for you. You are very kind, courageous and an absolutely amazing son, who truly loves dad and mum.
There were just too many obstacles in your fading journey.
Even with this outcome life will be great for you. I wish you from my heart all the best and think positive.
Sorry... today I will be busy telling everyone on FB why I am leaving... I will write my story soon... promise!!
I have discovered around 5 closet apostates so far.... People who knew about Candace Conti, jwfacts, cedars, Hassan, etc...
One of the closet apostates is a 15 year old girl... I am helping her with tips such as... getting a support network of non-JW friends and family, and then when 18 get out and fade...
508 friends on FB two days ago... down to 484 last night... I posted links to jwfacts and the Spanish version of the jwfacts pamphlet... 466 friends now...
@Adiva: Someone should bring bubbly and toast!! jajajaj AWESOME IDEA!!