Please tell.
Does seeing a flood make you think of gods promise not destroy the earth again by rain, or something else?
by UsuaIusern@me 13 Replies latest jw friends
No, not for me, seeings as though every other country is always being flooded.. But when I used to see a Rainbow did I think of that promise... I see one now & never think of that promise... Funny that... Sign JWdom's way of thinking is really slipping away - Yay
Everytime I see a rainbow I always think of God's wonderful reassuring promise that next time he will use fireballs, pestilence and earthquakes as the preferred method of genocide as opposed to water based products.
I'm not joking.
Gypsy Sam
no. I saw a rainbow January 1st this year and realized it has now become my reminder to keep saving for retirement.
Wasanelder Once
I dont think of unicorns very often either.
Why would almighty JEW-hovah with a perfect memory...knows exactly how many hairs are on your head...who calls all the celestial bodies in existence by name......has all dead locked away in his perfect memory so he can resurrect them when he is damn good and ready....
Just a little wakeup call....
No I think that poor s#d won't get another home insurance policy
No but it sometimes it reminds of how stupid it is for people today to believe in a 2000 year old ancient
mythological story told intensionaly to create a semblance of power and relevance
to one particular god by one particular sect.
With all the flood news we have had in the U.K in recent weeks, and the whole Country is one big puddle, I never once gave a thought to the Bible flood nonsense.
Mind you, I have been out for a number of years now, the JW experience, though close on 60 years in my case, fades very fast, unless you hang on to it by not changing your thinking.
Throughout our lives silly thoughts pop in to our head, once we say to ourselves "that is so silly" they rarely come back.
Any who are still experiencing a problem with JWThink Hangover are simply not making the mental effort, or perhaps deep down hope the WT/JW nonsense is really true.