I have heard rumors for over a year now that the WT is not going to have a 2014 DC. I know they are having a Circuit Assembly and Special Day Talk Assembly but what about their yearly DC. Has anybody heard anything?
Is there going to be a 2014 district convention?
by booker-t 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Get yourself some better sources instead of the ones that spread such rumors. Yes there will be International and District conventions
The District Conventions, in general, will be MUCH larger this year than in years past. There will be larger stadiums and the International Conventions in several countries including the USA.
As e-meth mentioned, get better sources for info.
Rub a Dub
Very weird considering the geography of our province, the District Conventions this year will be one in Calgary (major centre) and two in Red Deer (pop. 92,000). None in Edmonton. The population of Edmonton and surrounding area is 1.5 million. And we don't rate a convention?
What did we do wrong?
Its most of time to do with costs.
Bigger cities usually have the facilities but they are $$$.
These district conventions are big money for WT Scam Society, Cash Cows. Off the backs of the uninformed JWs. How much money do you think they
are gonna scam this year off the DCs. According to their website, there will not be any DCs at any of their assembly halls in the US. I wonder why?
Building them to small?.... Greedy A$$holes..Bet they'll have them credit card machings redd to go!
Faithful Witness
Last night, my mom was very excited to tell me that there was an Interntational Convention in the US this year. It will be a 3-day weekend (Detroit, June 6-8 for her), and will be held instead of the District Convention.
She is very excited about it, and said there would be about 25,000 people there.
>>>>These district conventions are big money for WT Scam Society
Pretty much took the word right out of my mouth...LOL!
Finklestein, this is going to be a major hardship for Witnesses in northern Alberta. It's hard to describe how BIG our province is. From Fort McMurray to Red Deer is a six hour drive. Grande Prairie to Red Deer, about the same.
I understand that Edmontonians are being asked to drive to and from the convention every day (to make room at the local hotels for those travelling farther). That's 300 KM round trip daily.
I still think the Edmonton negotiating committee somehow ROYALLY TICKED OFF the Northlands staff, or else annoyed head office.
Captain Obvious
Yep, we get to make a 7 hour trip each way this year for the 3 day bore fest. Yippee.
The only ones who say there won't be a 2014 convention are the ones who actually think that the big A will come before then.