I read the watchtower article on this "new light." Has any information on how "this generation" turned into two overlapping generations of only anointed people been printed? The word "evidence" was thrown around a lot in the article, but none was provided unless something has been printed since then and I have missed it. Has the GB listed the scriptures that helped them come to this change in doctrine, or is still just because they said so?
two overlapping generations of anointed blah blah blah question
by SnailsPace2 18 Replies latest jw friends
They listed Exodus 1:6 as their "proof"
Exodus 1:6 "Joseph eventually died, and also all his brothers and all that generation"
you could find more info on the April 15, 2010 watchtower.
They listed Exodus 1:6 as their "proof"
Exodus 1:6 "Joseph eventually died, and also all his brothers and all that generation"
I'm sure you could prove that the Moon is Cheese using any random scriptures you like.
And thus we read in Psalm 81 v3 "Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day", evidently the Moon is linked with feasting through out the bible, but what did these inspired Bible writers mean?" Evidently it was Cheese.
Proof;...Evidence of something that is true.
Exodus 1:6 is nothing but wild speculation to countr the FACT that they got the "generation" thing ALL WRONG !! .
They may try and use Exodus 1:6 but actually the Bible doesn't help them. Genesis 50:22-26 says (emphasis mine):
22 And Joseph continued to dwell in Egypt, he and the household of his father, and Joseph lived for 110 years. 23 Joseph saw the third generation of E′phra·im’s sons, also the sons of Ma′chir, Ma·nas′seh’s son. They were born upon Joseph’s knees. 24 At length Joseph said to his brothers: “I am dying, but God will without fail turn his attention to you, and he will certainly bring you up out of this land to the land about which he swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.” 25 So Joseph made the sons of Israel swear, saying: “God will without fail turn his attention to you. You must take my bones up out of here.”26 And Joseph died at the age of 110, and they had him embalmed, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt.
So what do we see?
a) Joseph was still alive when people were living for much longer (the dwelling for 70-80 years hadn't kicked in apparantly) so the WT are making a comparison to a time when people lived longer.
b) Joseph saw the third generation of his son, Ephraim, son's. So that's actually 4 generations that overlap across a 110 year period. Not 1 generation made up two overlapping groups over 100 years...
The WT must hate the Bible when it doesn't support their fantasy doctrines.
when ever you hear or read the word "evidently" beware.
@ballistic, LOL!!!
thank you for the information and the laugh!
Watch out for key words like "all educated individuals agree".
"Informed Bible readers don't doubt the Faithful Scholars of the Watchtower (We don't provide evidence, the materials scream "doctorate credientials" so dont you disagree!).