Don't let your job interfere with your meeting attendance

by Quarterback 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    What about the many experiences of ones that were not blessed?


    This is the conundrum for anyone who claims god did something miraculous for a person. The next question is: if god helped one person, it shows he is willing and able to so. So why didn't he help the other? If you have another person of equal faith, who sacrificed just as much, yet they get nothing, then only two answers explain it:

    1) God is selective in who he does/does not help (which makes him a liar),

    2) god doesn't have anything to do with it (nor exists at all) and life just happens.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    It's so interesting how they think so little of Jehovah's spirt and his ability to keep one spiritually strong if they miss the meeting now and then. Can't they read their Bible on their breaks and pray for strength while at work ? goota be there at the meetings lest you find out you can have a relationship with God or think without them.

  • Miss.Fit

    I used to feel guilty when I worked on meeting nights.

    B ut I think they are right. The more meetings you miss the easier it is to drift away. No one seems to notice any way. Now I just enjoy the extra time.

  • RottenRiley

    We all were trained to feel guilty on Meetings Nights if we worked.

    Ray Franz Jr. Exposed the truth that many Governing Body Members did not attend the Tuesday and Thursday Meetings, are they not deserving of Hell Fire if there is a Hell?

    The Governing Body bind men with all burdens and are unwilling to lift a finger to help them. How does it make you feel to know the very men who told us to "Feel guilt" did not attend meetings?

  • quellycatface

    They tried this with my husband when he was studying.he basically ignored it and has been doing great in his career and is an excellent provider.I couldn't cope with the micro management system and da'd in dare they control people in this way.

  • Quarterback

    Good comments, friends

    I had a friend that had a good paying job,working the midnight shift, and he was proud that he could provide well for his wife that was pioneering. Then the company had a shift in hrs and he had to now work the evening shift. That would involve missing the Book study, and TMS/Service meeting. He quit his job with good med benefits, and had to move to a basement appt inorder to continue to provide for his wife on one income. His life was miserable after that. No blessings no happiness, died at a very young too.

  • HappyDad

    I almost bought into this in the early 1970's. With a wife and young child and a mortgage, I was working three shifts for United States Steel. It would change week by week. Daylight, afternoon, then night shift! After hearing this spiel at a convention, I was sure I should find a steady daylight job so I would never have to miss meetings. The only job I was offered paid only about a third of what I was making.

    It was always in the back of my mind though, that it was easy for these CO's and DO's to tell someone that they should change jobs when you didn't have to worry about anything. Today I am very happy that I stuck with the good job or I would never have a pension as I now do.

    This cult doesn't give a damn about anyone's welfare


  • Heaven

    Don't let your job interfere with your meeting attendance

    What's interesting about this, for me, is that this is one of the reasons I give for why I cannot be a JW (among MANY others).

    My job is very demanding. Customers don't like it when you say "Gee, it's 5pm, and I've put in my 8 hours. Your critical problem will have to wait until 9am tomorrow morning because I have a religious meeting to attend now. Please speak to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses if you wish to complain about my requirement to attend their meeting instead of working on your business being unable to function. Have a nice evening." Click!

    This religion is a performance based one. If you are not able-minded and/or able-bodied you really cannot be a Witness due to the mandatory requirement to conduct Field Serve-Us and attend meetings. And if your career is demanding of more than an 8 hour work day Mon to Fri, you really can't be a Witness. The leaders of this religion are too far moved from reality. Just more proof that it's a pile of shiite.

  • blondie

    Elders in last 5 congregations

    1) On the road salesman, missed book study and TMS/SM (2)

    2) Carpet layers whose jobs were out of town and out of state (2) never went to meetings during the week, maybe Sunday if they worked 2 weeks in one place

    3) Firefighters that worked 3 concurrent 24 hour shifts (5)

    4) Elders that went to meetings at other congregations in the same town when shared KH and Sunday meeting times switched in January

    5) Elders that annually went on vacation during the CO visit and never attended meetings in their vacation location even when local jws offered transportation

    6) Elders and others that went on cruises (missed meetings)

  • Pacopoolio

    This is the conundrum for anyone who claims god did something miraculous for a person. The next question is: if god helped one person, it shows he is willing and able to so. So why didn't he help the other? If you have another person of equal faith, who sacrificed just as much, yet they get nothing, then only two answers explain it:

    1) God is selective in who he does/does not help (which makes him a liar),

    2) god doesn't have anything to do with it (nor exists at all) and life just happens.

    Ah, you're forgetting the "you didn't have enough faith/enough of a relationship with Jehovah," or "Jehovah knows better for you, he has future plans you don't know" excuses.

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