WHY ? !!!

by somebody 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • somebody

    The very first scripture cited under the "sharing on a judicial committee" in the elders book is Duet. 1:16. Here are a million questions! How do members let the higher -ups use a scripture from the OT where Moses was speaking to Isreal, and COMPLETELY disregard Jesus' words? Why do members let them get away with it by staying? The WBTS and elders might as well just say, " God gave his only begotten Son so that we can be forgiven our sins, but not for you ,buddy!" It's the same thing as telling them that Jesus never died for them! Why is it that the "flock book" never cited any of these scriptures from the Bible AFTER Jesus was resurrected? :

    ( caps are mine)
    Luke 6:37 "Moreover, STOP JUDGING and you will by no means be judged; and STOP CONDEMNING, and you will by no means be condemned..."

    John 5:22,23 "For the Father Judges no one at all, but has committed ALL the judging to the Son in order that all of you may honour the Son JUST AS they honour the Father who sent him."

    Matthew 28:18 Jesus said" All authority has been given to me in the heaven and the earth. Go therefore and make publishers of the people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and in association with God's organization." ( ok..so that ain't what it really says, but it might as well ! )

    What happend to baptized disciples? What happened to the good news that the disciples were told by Jesus to preach in the Bible? What does Jesus dying so that we can be forgiven our sins even mean to JWs? It's pretty said when the Bible says that if we confess our sins, we are forgiven, but if a JW confesses their sins to elders, they are investigated so that elders can judge their hearts to see if they are repentent enough to suit them. If not, then they aren't forgiven. Instead, they are punished for so many months until they've prooved their repentence to other humans. " we'l lforgive you....later...after you've prooved yourself...till then, you're handed over to satan for while...and we're gonna tell the whole congregation too."

    How can they live with taking the authority that was given by Jehovah, to his Son, away from him and giving it to themselves? And taking the WHOLE PURPOSE of why Jesus died away? Saying that Jesus died for our sins is just something to say for them. It means absolutely nothing! No meaning at all! I guess God never gave his Son's life for them at all. That must be why they don't follow him. They follow anyone from moses to Paul, but not Jesus. It's one thing to say that one follows Jesus, it's another to do it.

    I'm fuming today and I had to get this out of me!


  • Englishman

    Wow,Chag, you got me going!

    Spot on in your assesment re condemning and judging, the whole DF thing is ourageous and an insult to common decency.

    Dont you wonder how ever we got involved with this bunch of charlatans?


  • Gozz

    Good points there Somebody.
    Englishman, pls do be kind. Could you let the sword of your biting words wear some sheath of grace. There's something there about the practice but, Charlatans?

  • somebody

    Hi Englishman, Gozz

    It's very frustating to see so many people hurting and not being able to do a thing about it. And it irks the crap out of me when I see things like this on the WBTS's media website:
    Are you Christians?
    Yes. We follow Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and put faith in the ransom sacrifice he provided for the salvation of mankind. We imitate his example in preaching and teaching and in our dealings with fellow humans.

    that's what the WBTS tell the media/public. In what way do they put faith Jesus' sacrifice? What is the main reason he gave his life? So that sinners can be disfellowshipped for their sins by a group of fellow sinners? Where is there ANY faith in that? Jesus said to forgive over and over again. Even repeat sinners! NOT to disfellowship over and over again. I was reading a post on H20 about a male who slept overnite at a females house. He slept on her couch. He felt as though he sinned so he confessed it to an elder. Now he might be disfellowshipped. He didn't even committ a sin! How's that? ! Forget about asking God for forgiveness and getting it. The elder's forgiveness is all people care about. To make it even worse is that oldhippie suggested that he beg for mercy!! Seems to me this guy puts NO faith in Jesus ransom ( the guy who might be disfellowshipped), and ALL faith in the elders. That's where people look for forgiveness of their sins. The elders. It's really eating me up inside to see people idolize elders and the WBTS this way. The last time I was in a kh, talking to an elder, he jumped down my throat for reading my Bible . He said it leads to independent thinking. He was right. For some reason he was making it sound as if reading the bible and understanding some of it is something satanic! I was there to discuss what Jesus said about forgiving others for their sins, or else we won't be forgiven for our own sins. It was bothering me terribly that I wasn't allowed to even SPEAK to a disfellowhipped girl in our hall. He told me that the "society" rules are the "socities" rules, and that I'd get disfellowshipped too, if I disobeyed them. That's when I knew something was deeply wrong. They don't want their followers to read their bibles alone. Because they might see that there is only ONE savior, and it's not a printing company in New York, USA. The fact is, one can't serve God and the "society" at the same time. It's one or the other. I knew I couldn't stay there and be able to follow Jesus' teachings at the same time. Because people who choose to follow Jesus' example instead of the "society's" get punished for it. That is the truth of the matter. Like the saying goes, you can't serve 2 masters.

    So..I ask any JW out here, In what way do YOU put faith in Jesus' ransom? And in what way do YOU imitate Jesus' example in preaching, teaching, and your dealings with fellow humans?

    Why the hell would the WBTS put something like that on their site to the media/public when it is a LIE?

    I thought I was done ranting for today, but I guess I'm not! :-)

    PS...to make it all worse, pedophiles are to be treated as innocent unless there was 2 witnesses. But when a guy who feels like he sinned by sleeping on someones couch because it was a female who's roof the couch was under, confesses, he stands a chance of being disfellowhipped or reproved. Will the insanity ever stop? Is there an ounce of reasonableness in all this that I'm blind to?

  • eyes_opened

    Sister Somebody,

    You go girl!!! I believe what we are now going through is called righteous indignation. If it irks the heck out of us, imagine how POed God must get about it. Hypocrisy abounds in Brooklyn. Whether they mean to be like this or not, the effects on peoples lives are the same...and it's just plain wrong! So vent away, I have been too...hehehe. It's good for the soul


    "One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth"

  • bjc2012


    Did not Paul say that christians do judge christians at 1 Corinthians 5:12,13? It reads (NIV): "What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. "Expel the wicked man from among you."" He was quoting Deuteronomy 13:5, 17:7, 19:19, etc.

  • somebody

    Is Paul your savior? Did God give his son Paul all authority over the heaven and the earth? Do you pray for forgiveness of your sins to Paul? PLEASE! You can follow Paul if you choose to. But don't go around preaching that you follow Christ when you don't! Obviously, you follow Paul and NOT Jesus, for you hold his words as COMMANDS as they were Jesus' words. You can't take what God gave his Son and give it to Paul. Just like you can give it to the society. It's your choice. Just look at the one you're making.


    Edited by - somebody on 16 February 2001 12:41:53

  • somebody


    Maybe the WBTS should tell the truth to the media. they should have put this up on their site:

    Are you Christians?

    No. We follow Paul, the apostle, and put faith in the ransom sacrifice he provided for the salvation of mankind. We imitate his example in preaching and teaching and in our dealings with fellow humans.

    At least they would have been telling the truth if they put that up there.


  • JT


    i can feel the concern in your post- but just a suggestion- many of the same questions that you ask

    "How could someone.."
    "Can't folks see how the WT twist .."

    all you issues and questions are on the money indeed, but what i found that really helped me to understand the process wt uses on it;s members where after knowing someone for 25yrs, best of friends- a person gets DFed and the friend who has known them for 25yrs can cut off all feeling and ties with just a simple annoucnement-

    this is to inform the congo that XXXXXX has been DFed

    the powerful influence that wt has over it's members is nothing short of Mind Control- but when you consider the intense indoctrination process- week- in week out day in day our

    24/7 you must have something on your mind related to WT

    some of the best material on the net deals with how High Control Groups operate and literally take avg folks like you and i and make us willing to accept without question ANYTHING THEY SAY as it were

    there is this guy named Steven Hassiem- something like that-

    he has written what has to be the most concise pc of work i have every seen on High Control Groups-

    being a former Bethelite and Elder- i know the power of the constant beating- we used to have a DO who would all the time say


    now what that means is this- in the life of a jw there IS NO DOWN TIME

    THEREFORE no time to take night classes, no overtime on the job- on nice days how many times would the avg jw say :

    TODAY IS A NICE DAY FOR THE BEACH or Would it be more like


    RECALL see those bro who were out in the yard cutting grass or washing their car when the car group was working thier territory

    do you recall how they would DOG the bro for not being out in service but "POLISHING THE BRASS ON THE TITANIC"

    So i see and and feel the frustration in your post- it reminds me of my wife - "Why can't they just SEE" is what she often says after trying to REASON with a JW

    i view it this way- i work in the IT industry and all software is programmed to do certain things jw are no different

    after much research i have identified the folllowing program files on most jw- while from time to time some may become corrupted they are quickly replaced at he next meeting sorta like AOL always UPDATING your software:

    these are the files


    and then if you got to the REGISTRY


    you will find -- .bak files to all the above mention files

    my point being is that jw are trained from the day they walk into a Hall not to listen to anything that is Anti_WT

    they are programmed like a good ATM Machine on the 3rd wrong try with your PIN NUmber it will SHUT DOWN

    and the same with the avg jw- the mere mention of the possibilty THAT the WT could be wrong is usually enough to shut their "Servers" down


    but if you have not had a chance to read any material on the Powerful control that "High Control Groups" like wt have over its member i urge you to ck it out

    it hope me to see why i should feel so sorry for these folks.

    as my mom always told me:

    "How can you really get upset with a man trying to cross the street when you find out he is BOTH DEAF AND BLIND

    just my 2



  • ianao

    ROTFLMAO re: jw- programs.

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