Question.......From the stand point of the WTBTS would it have been wiser to spread out their judicial notifications say over a couple of months or more? ie.. Bill Bowen in January, Barbara Anderson in March etc.
Silent Lambs and The Wisdom of The WTBTS
by Siddhashunyata 13 Replies latest jw friends
No doubt about it. The society has blundered in probably the stupidest, most simplistic manner possible.
Their actions couldn't be worse from a strategic point of view. If I didn't know better, I'd swear they were on our side.
They have made the first move.
"If men were like their personal ads, they wouldn't need personal ads."
If I didn't know better, I'd swear they were on our side.
With enemies like them, who needs friends?
Keep in mind folks, they WANT to be persecuted. They WANT to be called in front of the worldly governments (especially after the worldly governments have 'turned' on the other religions of the world).
Self-fulfilling a prophecy isn't funny. Mark my words - that's what they're up to here. I might be wrong, but I can't believe an organization so big that has done such legal maneuvering in the past could possibly be so astonishingly stupid.
Xander F
(Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
--George Santayana -
Maybe in their fantasy world they think they can precipitate the big 'A'
When the justice system finally calls them to account, which seems increasingly likely, they will feel "persecuted by satans system" or as they sometimes put it "Gog of Magog".
Then the scripture about the 'one touching you is like someone touching my eyeball' will appear to them to be having fulfillment and then maybe, just maybe their mythical, genocidal god will act and be forced into slaughtering 99.9% of the population.
Happy times -
LOL @ ang -
Oh, no. I wasn't implying anything of the kind. If nothing else, it is a grab to tighten the grip on its members. You know, 'look how our prophecies are being fulfilled, yay us, quick, come back to the fold before the big A!'.
I don't honestly believe anyone in the GB actually believes what they teach.
Xander F
(Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
--George Santayana -
The only problem with invoking persecution in order to scare members back before armageddon, is that when armageddon doesn't come (again), the members must sheepishly creep back to their old positions. And each time that happens, a few of them see what is going on and bolt.
If this is indeed their strategy, then they are even stupider than they appear.
There ain't nobody on the planet who will agree with The Witnesses on this one except the Witnesses.
I've been in these 4 peoples' shoes before...20 years ago I was told the only way I could switch halls (for my sanity, and that of my family) was is if I agreed there were no problems with the way our situation was handled. I said whatever it took to escape! [No wonder I ended up with an acting career]
Now, you wouldn't catch me dead or alive sitting in front of some men telling me how I should feel, what I should say, and how I should revise my interpretation.
People have the power if you give it to them. -
*shrug* - well, it's been their strategy since day 1, and they have 6 million members now, so...
I'd say there are more suckers out there than you give credit for.
Xander F
(Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
--George Santayana -
We should give credit where credit is due.
The Silenlambs ARE coming forward--hundreds of them. They are ROARING.
JW's are leaving in near-hemorrhage numbers in the free will spread to the other countries as well.
Jw's are making their voices known with their wallets--the only power Watchtower gives the women is their pocketbooks and THEY ARE USING IT.