Hi, I just have a quick question. On another board a girl stepped forward and said that her story will be airing on Dateline. She said that you had uncovered her story of her husband abusing someone and it being hid by the WT.
Now, I can't go into all the details because it would make this post very long but I just have a feeling this is a Jehovah's Witness trying to make this look like a farce because her story changes like you wouldn't believe. It's like she is doing it on purpose. And she is bringing Dateline and your name into it. But here is her claims.
That you had her tell her story to Dateline and that it will be aired. HOWEVER, this person has stated that she never told Dateline who this person is. She never went to the police to file charges neither did the victim which later changed. Dateline is going to air her story of this nameless, faceless, man that has never had one charge ever brought against him. So there are a lot of people on this board saying why would Dateline air a story of a man they don't even know his name? Can you please verify if a story is going to be aired such as this. I don't believe it will. I believe that Dateline will air a lot of evidence based on facts. But I want it to be known by my friends on the board that nothing like this would be apart of the story on Dateline. I can't imagine Dateline airing a story saying we have no idea who this guy is, as of yet no charges have been filed, but here is the story. Doesn't make any sense at all. Thank You.
A Question For Bill Bowen
by anid1 10 Replies latest jw friends
NOT one of BILL's I gaurantee. She's most likely a SNERT or TROLL
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"] -
The Watchtower Society will do anything, anything to try to cloud things and hide themselves better......... too late for you though, oh, thou daughter of Babylon the Great. You had plenty of forewarnings and chose to ignore them all...... In one hour will you be cast down.
There are also nut jobs everywhere! Some people will do and say anything for attention and then there are compulsive liars too.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it) -
Could you please provide a link to the board?
Mabe if shes not guenine we can make something of it.
The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and there may be hell to pay.
This is a bogus story.
Hi Jerome,... This is an AOL board so you would have to have aol. But I am willing to give you an aol name and password and send you a link there. I will give her email address also so you would know who it was. The only person I have ever seen post there from here is cygnus but if anyone else has aol please feel free to email me. And I'll send you a link.
Hello anid1 :o)
Is it possible for you to say which AOL Board it is on please?
There are often swathes of *cut and pastes* by one particular poster from the CDRoms posted to the AOL Christianity Board in the Topics Suggestions folder - blood issue, Tetragrammaton, worship, mark of a true christian etc, but I haven't seen anything about Dateline there yet.
Thanks :o)
el oh el
It's been years since I posted frequently on AOL. I don't know anything about this story.
It is on the Jehovah's Witness board. It is the board that is entitled A critical look into the theology, doctrine and practices of Jehovah's Witnesses. But they don't like their religion looked into critically so a lot of this kinda crap happens. It takes away from what the boards purpose is for.