'Innocent As Doves' Approach?

by Guest 77 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    The org. will take the 'cautious as serpents and innocent as dove' approach to this entire escapade. As you know, a serpent has a split tongue. Their verbal gymnastics will make them bite their tongue just like the UN explanation. Yeah, a library card at the UN and they tell us to '.....guit touching the unclean thing!';

    Their failure to address this issue of pedophilia ages ago has caught up with them, and their day of reckoning is 'now' upon them.

    Why hasn't the C.C. not expell any of their members for reporting pedophile priest, while the JW do? Their expulsion policy will be another cause to hang themselves. People cannot and will not fathom how a religion can and does excommunicate their members for reporting pedophiles! We are dealing with two issues in one!

    The RF will suffer for this dastardly deed that the men at the top have allowed to exist for decades. 'For there is nothing hidden that will not become manifest, neither anything (carefully) concealed that will never become known and never come into the open.'

    Guest 77

  • peterstride

    Attempting to D/F members for reporting pedophilia should hopefully make some of the rank & file JWs pause a bit...and hopefully will make them think a bit more about what the WTS says and does...

    Am I too hopefull?

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Peter, most likely their are many others that have a negative view of disfellowshipping, it's just that they keep their opinions to themselves and that's to avoid any wrath from anyone 'within' the congregation/circuit. As you know, once you voice your opinion it spreads like wild-fire, then you have to answer to the principals, elders, (the thought police.)

    Guest 77

  • Matty

    Guest, true. Its all an unknown quantity - To be frank, I am a prize elder ear-tickler. There would be lots of people who would be horrified about how I feel if I expressed it in the KH. ...Or maybe not. Who knows how many people in the org are just like me?

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Matty, only the 'thinking ones' will understand. There is a mixed bag of opinions by the others, and that's to be expected. The strength of the ballon will be determined by the amount of air it has.

    Guest 77

  • CheGuevara
    Attempting to D/F members for reporting pedophilia should hopefully make some of the rank & file JWs pause a bit...and hopefully will make them think a bit more about what the WTS says and does...

    No one is being disfellowshipped for reporting pedophilia. The judicial committees are being formed because of rebelliousness against Jehovah's organization (this is JWs point of view) and for speaking against Jehovah's faithful and discreet slave. (this is also the opinion of JWs). Of course they will point to biblical examples for this actions, specifically the case of Korah speaking against Moses.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    So, the wise course is to wait on Jehovah (according to the wt) and violate Caesars law with matters pertaining to pedophilia and let the innocent children pay the price?

    James 2:17 says, "Therefore, if one knows how to do what is 'right' and yet does not do it, it is a sin for him."

    What part of the 'sin' or 'right' is it that one can't understand?

    Guest 77

  • jschwehm

    Hi Gang-

    Here in the Nebraska area some concerned Catholics wrote some scathing letters to the editor criticizing the actions of the Catholic leaders in their dealings with child abuse allegations. The local bishop had some harsh words for these Catholics and called them disloyal etc.

    A few days after this, the local Bishop in his Sunday sermon asked for forgiveness for the harsh words that he used against those Catholics who were critical of the church's handling of child abuse cases in the past. He even told them that he was doing penance for his sin of speaking ill of these Catholics.

    Wouldn't it be something if the leaders of the Watchtower could imitate this? As Bill Bowen has pointed out, the Watchtower is where the Catholic church was 20 years ago on this issue.

    Jeff S.

  • sf

    < http://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/


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    Guest...what do you suppose is going on here with these various trolls popping up? What do you suppose they are really trying to say and have occur? What is this part of the puzzle I seem to be missing over?


  • bjc2012

    Hi Guest 77,

    Why hasn't the C.C. not expell any of their members for reporting pedophile priest, while the JW do? Their expulsion policy will be another cause to hang themselves. People cannot and will not fathom how a religion can and does excommunicate their members for reporting pedophiles! We are dealing with two issues in one!
    Good observation. Only WTS/JWs fit this profile, as a religion.

    Along that line of thought, do you think Ezekiel 36:3, 12-14 could possibly have a bearing of this very situation, we are eye-witnessing. A unique two-fold problem, intertwined together, as described in the verses above...pinpointing a singular group of religious people of our day.

    How about checking out this post, made almost a year ago, and let me know what you think (via email or public posting). Thanks.



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