Molestation Policies in OTHER religions

by amac 28 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • dungbeetle

    >If that is the case, why single out JWs? Why wouldn't you campaign for all religions to update their policies?<

    Your question has been asked and answered on at least two different threads.

    Are you going to try for a third Thread?

    I will be very happy if ALL religions forbid their molesting members going door to door.

    I will be happy if ALL religions do not expell/shun their victims.

    I will be happy if ALL religions do not expell/shun the victim's supporters.

    On how many threads do you need this topic to be discussed?

  • amac

    Dungbeetle -

    Current policy is described in the May 15th 2002 Watchtower.

    No it is not. That article talks about slandering others in the congregation, not reporting cases of sexual abuse to the authorities. Nowhere in this article does it make any connection with the WT's policies on handling allegations of sexual abuse. You are detracting from this thread by providing misinformation, a very poor tactic. I've copied the portion of the article you are most likely referring to.

    Continuing, Solomon says: “The one in want of heart has despised his own fellowman, but the man of broad discernment is one that keeps silent. The one walking about as a slanderer is uncovering confidential talk, but the one faithful in spirit is covering over a matter. -Proverbs 11:12,13.

    What great harm is caused by someone who lacks good judgment, or is "in want of heart"! He carries on his loose talk to the point of slander or reviling. The appointed elders must be quick to put an end to such an unwholesome influence. Unlike "the one in want of heart," a man of discernment knows when to keep silent. Rather than betray a confidence, he covers over the matter. Knowing that an unguarded tongue can cause much harm, a discerning person is "faithful in spirit." He is loyal to fellow believers and does not divulge confidential matters that might endanger them. What a blessing such integrity-keepers are to the congregation!

  • Gopher

    Why single out JW's?

    Please note the heading on this page, "discussion forum for anything JW related".

    The raison d'etre for this site is that many of us have been in the JW's or are affected by having loved ones or friends still in there. We care about the children in there, those are the children we know. And the way molestation cases are handled, it seems there is great room for improvement IF ONLY the WTS leadership would humbly acknowledge it.

    Instead, they're going after those who merely point out the problem, such as Mr. Silentlambs.

    And if you read the silentlambs web site, you will indeed see examples of those who tried to raise charges about a molestor in the congregation, only to be hushed and threatened with disfellowshipping if they didn't stop complaining!

    So that last part is the connection to the 5/15/02 WT. The WTS says, the elders will handle everything. Don't speak up about anything, or you'll be branded as a "slanderer uncovering confidential talk".

    Most of us have been in the JW organization, we can read between the lines. The instructions in the 5/15/02 article can easily be stretched by any elder body to charge any victim or victim's advocate (who has, by their definition, insufficient evidence) with slander if they don't keep their yaps shut!


    This post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
    Any opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent.

  • dungbeetle

    Yes it is.

    First, the text of the entire article can be found here, as well as links to the scans:

    Second, the part of the article I was referring to is:

    >Here and there, the few who may be disgruntled and dissatisfied, who find fault and speak bitterly about the way things are done, are like a "poisonous root" that can spread and poison others who initially were unaffected.<

    >They stir up rumors that there is injustice, ethnic prejudice, or the like, in the congregation or on the part of the elders.<

    >Should we not turn a deaf ear to their talk and strive to be spiritual people who contribute to peace and unity in the congregation?<

    >The appointed elders must be quick to put an end to such an unwholesome influence. Unlike "the one in want of heart," a man of discernment knows when to keep silent. Rather than betray a confidence, he covers over the matter.<

    Slander, by definition must be a lie. This part of the article is not dealing with slander. It is dealing with the dissemination of truthful speech that the Watchtower and the elders do not like. (Since lies and relevance is not mentioned here)

    Victims and their supporters have the right to speak out, without over twenty derrogative names being hurled at them in ONE Watchtower article. They have the right to speak out without being ordered to be enforcedly shunned by all other JW's including their own family members. They have the right to speak out with having the elders swat teams "move quickly to put an end to them."

    Not that what we think matters. According to the inside front cover of this magazine, :

    Average printing: 24, 147, 000 issues.

    Available in Large-print edition and audiocassettes.

    So we'll just see waht the public thinks when these 24 million copies get circulated.

    UADNA-US (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-United States)

  • amac
    This part of the article is not dealing with slander. It is dealing with the dissemination of truthful speech that the Watchtower and the elders do not like.

    This is not true. It specifically says

    They stir up rumors that there is injustice, ethnic prejudice, or the like, in the congregation or on the part of the elders.

    Rumors are unverified reports with uncertain reliability. Again, nowhere in this article does it make a connection with the Organization's policies. This article is aimed at squashing rumours and divisions within the congregation due to rumors (and we all know how gossip is always a problem.)

    Whether or not elders will stretch this information to use it in the wrong way, I cannot say. I'm sure many will, but that is still beside the point of what the WT organization's policies are.

    So the current WT policy does NOT include DFing those who are victims or support victims in child molestation cases. I and my "victim" relative are living examples.

  • dungbeetle

    un unamed, unverifiable victim and an unamed, unverifiable supporter is proof of ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY NOTHING.

    You have our verification. You don't have to like it....but you don't have to casr aspersions on it either, that is your choice. And this makes you HOW DIFFERENT FROM WHAT YOU CLAIM US TO BE?

    A rumor is not a lie or slander. So by your own admission, this part of the article CANNOT be dealing with slander as you said earlier.

    you should quit while your ALMOST AHEAD.

  • amac

    Dung -
    You have successfully detracted from this thread. My initial post was to bring to question why JWs policies are any worse than any other religions. If anything, they are more defined.
    I was not making a defense for their policies, just questioning the purpose of solely attacking them when there are worse offenders out there with much larger "flocks." I even stated in my opening paragraph that I am FOR a reform of the existing policy.

    You have our verification. You don't have to like it....but you don't have to casr aspersions on it either, that is your choice. And this makes you HOW DIFFERENT FROM WHAT YOU CLAIM US TO BE?
    What's this "our" bit? Verification for what? What verification? What are you talking about? Again, please see my above paragraph to learn what this thread is about.

    you should quit while your ALMOST AHEAD.
    Ha! Don't flatter yourself.


  • dungbeetle

    amac...only you know what the purpose of YOUR thread is.

    But you made two statments:It seems that the JWs current policy about dealing with cases of molestation are even more strict than many other religions. ...

    If that is the case, why single out JWs?

    1) Their policies are NOT more 'strict' and you admitted that yourself. <This is a situation I still have trouble with<.

    You went on into this whole spiel about what I suppose is an uncharged perpetrator something or other, but that's just diverionary to the two things you specifically addressed.

    2) JW's single THEMSELVES OUT. see number 1) above.



  • amac

    Dung -

    1) Their policies are NOT more 'strict' and you admitted that yourself. <This is a situation I still have trouble with<.

    This makes no sense. If this is an example of what you call logic, then it is no use discussing this further with you.

    Does anyone else care to respond to this thread...besides Dungbeetle?

    I'm off for the weekend, but I'll be back.

  • dungbeetle

    The truth hurts don't it?

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