Is there a pedophile epidemic ?

by Snoozy 23 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Snoozy

    After reading another thread on pedophiles I was wondering if there is a Pedophile epidemic or is it just that we now have more access to the information? It seems like everywhere you read there are more and more cases being reported. Are we becoming a nation with no morals at all? I can't help but wonder where it all is going..what is next. The older I get the more it seems like humans are throwing all morals to the wind. Sad..I heard a comment on TV that really struck me..they said that we are being conditioned ..nothing shocks us anymore. At least that's how it seems to me. People need more and more excitement to stimulate themselves..which includes nothing is sacred..

    Maybe I need to stay away from the news for a while. Course at my age not keeping up with current affairs may get me diagnosed as senile..

  • baltar447

    Do yourself a favor and throw out the news channels. They are nothing but fear porn and propoganda.

  • Snoozy

    Yes you got that right..but it truly is everywhere you read. Is mankind going nuts?

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    It's easy to make a blanket assumtion that the world is going to hell in a handbasket and Pedophilia is on the rise. Like earthquakes, Pedophilia has been happening since the beginning of time. Only now we have better means of tracking these things. Pedophilia been going on in the JW's organization forever. I know of a case that happened to a JW relative in the 50's but was kept quiet because nobody talked about those things back then. The lid has been blown off of most of the old Taboos and any topic is fair game today. The internet has given courage to those who in the past, thought the crime committed against them was an isolated incident and kept it to themselves. There was always an epidemic but no one talked about it.

  • jwfacts

    Quite the opposite. Child Abuse has been common throughout history, and it is only over the last few decades that this is understood to be damaging and unacceptable. That is why it is now being reported and seems to be out of control.

  • AudeSapere

    I had been thinking on how to respond and had many words and paragraphs in my head. Then along comes jwfacts and says it all in two lines.

    The only thing I would add is that with the reporting (and in some cases, monetary compensation to the victims), more people are speaking up rather than hiding in shame.


  • Phizzy

    I am pleased that now the Paedophiles must be aware that there is nowhere to hide. What is needed is a lot more research as to the nature of the problem.

    It is just possible that such research may throw up the fact that Paedophiles are born that way, as Homosexual people are. That would not of course in any way justify the behaviour, but it may show that lifelong treatment and help is necessary to restrain them.

  • EdenOne

    What Phizzy said raises one interesting - and uncomfortable - question:

    What if:

    It is just possible that such research may throw up the fact that Paedophiles are born that way, as Homosexual people are. That would not of course in any way justify the behaviour, but it may show that lifelong treatment and help is necessary to restrain them.

    Homosexuals say that research proves that they are born that way, so it's cruel to try to change them by means of 'treatment' or 'indoctrination', and much less punish them. They fight for acceptance. That's the current state of affairs.

    But what if, by the same token, research proves that paedophiles are also born that way? Will it be cruelty to try to change them by means of 'treatment' and 'indoctrination', and enforce punishment upon them? Will it be reasonable that they also start fighting for acceptance?

    Is paedophilia an innate sexual behavior? Is homosexuallity an innate sexual behavior? What makes one "pathological" and "criminal" and the other "non-pathological" and "accepted" ?

    I know, these are uncomfortable questions, but they need to be asked.


  • Phizzy

    Those questions do need to be asked Eden, mainly so that treatment, and containment, is led by facts.

    The comparison with homosexuality is only for shorthand reasons, i maybe should not have raised it.

    The two things are not equivalents. Homosexual people do nothing morally wrong to their partners, they do not do harm. Rather they do good, bringing love and companionship to those of the same orientation.

    Paedophiles do immeasurable harm. They do not do any good by their actions, so, what they do is TOTALLY immoral.

    Somebody may be born a Kleptomaniac for all we know, to choose a new example, it never makes their actions right in any way, but understanding their problem may help society treat them with better results.

  • Vidiot

    A raging drunk could very well be "born that way", but that doesn't give him a free pass to endanger others by drinking (and sometimes this has to be enforced by others).

    A serial killer could very well be "born that way", but that doesn't give him a free pass to hack and slash, nor does it mean we shouldn't keep them locked up.

    Assuming pedophiles really are "born that way", that doesn't mean that their proclivities are any less dangerous or predatory.

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