Following on from jgnat's post, if that's okay.why do I not hear of Satan in normal churches??it's really refreshing not to be scared anymore.
No mention of Satan in 5 church attendances!!!
by quellycatface 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Most normal Churches have a mature and educated approach to belief and faith. They rarely seem to think of Satan as a literal bogeyman as the WT and other Fundamentalist/Bible Literalist churches do.
You probably will not be threatened with the fires of Hell either, not even in a R.C church. "Armageddon" will never get a mention, I bet.
Altogether a much more relaxed and pleasurable way of worship I am sure.
5 different churches or 5 services in one church? Just as a warning (to prepare you for disappointment) you probably will hear about him eventually.
Julia Orwell
Well if they don't use fear to keep worshippers they don't need to trundle ol' Satan out that much.
compound complex
Hi Quelly:
Good morning!
Yes, the constant mention of Satan at meetings and in conversation became too much. Strange, how irrational fear has left the building and constant blame-throwing (on Satan) has ceased. I'm OK with the concept of time and unforeseen occurrence and that we humans make our own messes.
Life in the real world is actually rather peaceful compared to how we once thought and lived!
I heard more about satan in one week at the kingdom hall than I have in the 10 years I have been attending a real church.
JW's are obssessed with satan, demunz, the boogey man and Smurfs.
Laika, hi there. 3 services at a C of E church and 2 at an Anglo-Catholic church.
I actually preferred the Catholic Mass, it was most theatrical!!
I seriously used to lie awake for about 3 years, worrying about Satan and his demons. And me a logical woman!! The brainwashing is pretty effective, eh??
Even back in the 1980s when I was a regular catholic church goer, I can't recall a single reference to Satan, other than in baptism services (when god-parents are asked to renounce Satan and all his ways). Most Catholics seemed to view Satan as no more than a metaphor for evil. Perhaps a tiny minority might have believed there was an actual supernatural being (who an omnipotent God, in his infinite wisdom, permitted to exist) trying to tempt us.
I imagine nowadays that the Devil is even more firmly relegated to the sidelines.
Although I'm an atheist now I still love a church service. The churches I've been to do not rant on about things to make you feel guilty or afraid.
Satan was mentioned once in a service at an Anglican church but it was more along the lines that he was virtually powerless because of jesus, but can still be an annoyance.
General rule of thumb....the churches are loving unconditionally where-as the WBT$ my American cousins say: 'go figure.'
I don't think there is anything to be afraid of Satan for. If anything, without Satan, joke-hova can really ruin your life--Thorazine (or Seraquil) when you are three years old because you cannot connect with Satan. And being forced throughout life into situations that end with you being a jokehovian witless--all because joke-hova had free run. Thus, there is more to be feared in the absence of Satan than in His presence.