BOE Letter: New Adjustments

by pixel 84 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    I don't have time to read all these wonderful comments. I just wanted to make sure this is covered- this is purely a money thing.

    Dropping an entire day each year (the SAD) frees assembly halls. Having two circuit assemblies a weekend allows the "Branch Visitor" (or whatever he was called) to just make one trip to Dirtweed, Montana and cover two groups with the same talk.

    They will mind-control suggest that the savings on hotels should be put in the box.

    All those freed up days will allow more Regional Conventions to be held in assembly halls. They hate renting out facilities for three days. It was either go to two days or get more stuff in assembly halls. They still might drop to two-day conventions.

  • exWTslave

    In the cow slaughter house, the assassin first does a loving fondling on the neck of the cow before he actually applies his knife. Similarly, GB the arrogance personified replaces words such as overseer (which carries a concept of egoistic elevation over others) with representative!!!

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    It seems like every week WT sends out if not one, it's two or three BOE letters for the elders with the most silliest of instructions.

    It's almost like WT is this obsessive, neurotic mother who suffers from 'empty nest syndrome'.....she just can't let go! And it's the rest of the family who wind up paying the price!

  • sir82

    All those freed up days will allow more Regional Conventions to be held in assembly halls.


    Changes in Watchtower World only happen for one of the following reasons:

    -- Increase revenue

    -- Decrease expenses

    -- Reduce legal liability

    -- Raise the prestige of the organization

    -- Increase control of individuals

    Removing one day from CAs allows the assembly halls to be freed up for most or all of the summer, for "regional conventions". No more rental payments.

  • Rattigan350

    Valkyre asked: "If the District Overseer no long has a "district" to oversee, why hasn't his title been changed to "Regional Overseer"?"

    District overseers never overseen district assemblys or conventions. That is just a misnomer.

    The Watchtower convention office has always overseen them.

    DOs oversee their districts. District conventions have nothing to do with those districts.

  • Rattigan350

    Blues Brother: on there is also a topic "

    Big announcement in September is that true"

    Is that the same as this letter?

  • steve2


  • wallsofjericho

    this is so loving of the GB to only have 1 days CA's

    just like it was so loving for them to give us the book study night off.

    They are just so loving to us..... you know, easing the burden that they laid upon us in the first place.... so loving

  • wallsofjericho

    I think "regional" will redefine the attendees of the convention. They may still technically have Districts that are a quantifiable sum of circuits, however "regional Conventions" would not have to hold to either of those definitions.

    A region could be just enough circuits to fill a small stadium or gymnaium. or perhaps multiple districts in a massive event. Either way, the GB can now manipulate the numbers accordingly

  • traveb

    They should have also made the following changes:

    Circuit Overseers --> Local Sales Managers

    District Overseers --> Regional Sales Managers

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