Hey all I invite you to a little experiment.......

by JPandelo 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • JPandelo

    As I am sure most of you know my parents were told they were to be disfellowshipped by Roger Eisenhuth and Steve Stripling over the telephone today. Yes we know they were disfellowshipped for Apostasy however, is'nt it curious that they were not provided an explanation for how the elder body came to their decision. I personally think that it is something that is truly deserving of an answer. In true form once again the Watchtower and it's representatives show the pattern of cover up by sweeping my parents under the rug with the tidy label Apostasy.

    I remember a while back there was some commotion about the Watchtower belonging to the United Nations. The numbers were posted of the UN and of the Watchtower headquarters in order to have them explain themselves. My idea is not too dissimiliar. Below you will find a list of the members of my parents judicial committee with their addresses and telephone numbers. Once again I call for leaders who show no fear of change and the confidence to make people understand we will no longer be silenced. If you feel so inclined you may call or write to the members on the list below and ask them what is the REAL reason Carl and Barbara Pandelo are to be disfellowshipped. How did they arrive on the decision of apostasy? I do not expect an answer in these questions however this anti-theocratic war stratedgy may hold some promise.

    We need to disable the Watchtower by finding it's weakness. It's true weakness is it's elder bodies. By creating such a buzz within the press and interested parties to intimidate local elders through contacting them, you psychologically render them immobile and unable to carry out the headquarters orders. If the elders are so overwhelmed by inquiry they decide to cover their own butts instead of the Society's, the Watchtower will no longer have the elder body scapegoat they have come to rely on at times like these. I am sorry if the ideas I present seem extremeist, however motivation is the order of the day.

    I have no fear anymore of Watchtower reprecussions. I am still here not DA'ed or DF'ed and ready to go toe to toe with JR Brown myself if I have to. Whats right is right and justice will prevail. Sorry for the rant I am just kin of charged right now. Again below is the member list of the judicial committee. Any help is always appreciated. Hey Bill & Barb it's time we get one for our team.

    [ personal information removed ]

    Well boys and girls thats it. I think if its ok with everyone I will hang out at this board for a while. Thanks again for all of your love prayers and support, it is truly not accepted in vein.

    Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. - Michael Corleone in The Godfather III.

    Love & best wishes to all who support Bill, Barbara, and my parents.

    Best Regards,


  • Psychdigg

    Yeah. Good idea. Punish them with nasty letters. Come on. Your parents were finished with the Watchtower a long time ago. The divorce is final. Looks like it was mutual. Go live your life.

  • puzzled

    [[is'nt it curious that they were not provided an explanation for how the elder body came to their decision.]]

    Yes I agree with that for sure. ESPECIALLY since the "GB" and the lot of them at the "HEADQUARTERS" are so hell bent on keeping accurate records of what everyone did, does and is doing since baptisim and with many, even before.
    It should be mandatory that they furnish at least a reciept.


    "Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." --Mark Twain
  • Stephanus

    Great idea! Large numbers of people outside the censorship loop of the 'Tower holding these elders responsible for their reprehensible decisions to protect paedophiles and punish their victims. You rock, Justin!

  • DakotaRed

    Justin, I think it is great that you are "hanging out" on this board. Your insight into what has just happened to your family as well as your eloquence in your comments is needed and appreciated.

    As I told your Mom on another thread, I am delighted they are now free of the Watchtower, yet saddened that they were so mistreated, and also angry that one claiming to be God's Channel of Communication can so callously mistreat members all for sake of covering up their own transgressions.

    To any dubs reading this, better wake up and smell the coffee. Revelations 18:4 says it aptly enough.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • alamb

    Letters in the mail tomorrow. Same one Bill's committee got, along with photos of victims to put faces to this tragedy.
    Maybe someone, somewhere will find some shred of a Christian conscience. I still have family in and hope someone would do it for them.
    Thanks for the leads.

  • JPandelo

    Thanks folks, I know this is not for everyone, however I am not ready to divorce, I want alimony ;)

    Thanks for the support alamb

    Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. - Michael Corleone in The Godfather III.

    Love & best wishes to all who support Bill, Barbara, and my parents.

    Best Regards,


  • dungbeetle

    uhhh.Justin, it really is against the rules to put private infor like that on the board..PERIOD. It doesn't amtter if its publicly available or not.

    And we don't know what wackos might be observing the board, if something were to happen you would feel very badly.

    May I recommend you edit your posts and place the info into an email list, or a private site, then place a link here?

    I understand your feelings, believe me I do.

  • Simon


    I'm extremely sorry to have to remove the addresses / numbers you posted but I do have to be careful about what is posted and have been strict on posting people's personal info without their permission.

    As dungbeetle said, you could put the details on your own web site and post a link or email them.

    Apologies again.

  • dungbeetle

    I saved a copy of it too. heehee...

    I was just thinking...as a preemptive strike, we should start collecting names, addresses and phone numbers of elders all over the place and make a big listing somewhere....

    Maybe one thread, you can start Justin, with "I have the info for such and such congregation....it can run to 50 pages...someone who needs it can email for it.

    D**m we're good!!!

    Anewperson, calling Anewperson!!!!!

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