I saw a photo on Facebook of a JW couple I know, apparently you can now get your photo taken with the stars of the JW Animated children's videos, at Patterson. I've tried to share it here but it isn't showing up.
Basically, you stand in different cartoon scenes of the door to door activity, holding a bookbag and the hand of one of the children's characters from the viedo. The houses are pastel colored, the cartoon Brothers are wearing brightly colored shirts and ties , no jackets. The kids are skipping and it all looks so fun. Very Disneyland tourist destination like. I wonder if they charge for the pictures.
It seems like with the lessening of meetings, assemblies and service hours and the availability of this kid friendly stuff, they are trying to step away from the scary serious religious craziness we had to deal with as kids. At least the kids won't ahve nightmares like we did after reading the Paradise book and hearing about the tribulation non stop.