Patterson New York JW Tourist Destination

by Pete Zahut 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    I saw a photo on Facebook of a JW couple I know, apparently you can now get your photo taken with the stars of the JW Animated children's videos, at Patterson. I've tried to share it here but it isn't showing up.

    Basically, you stand in different cartoon scenes of the door to door activity, holding a bookbag and the hand of one of the children's characters from the viedo. The houses are pastel colored, the cartoon Brothers are wearing brightly colored shirts and ties , no jackets. The kids are skipping and it all looks so fun. Very Disneyland tourist destination like. I wonder if they charge for the pictures.

    It seems like with the lessening of meetings, assemblies and service hours and the availability of this kid friendly stuff, they are trying to step away from the scary serious religious craziness we had to deal with as kids. At least the kids won't ahve nightmares like we did after reading the Paradise book and hearing about the tribulation non stop.

  • factfinder

    The kids just won't get to play with toys, toys make Jehovah's heart sad.

  • RottenRiley

    May I ask a stupid question, all my life I have wanted to visit the "Holy Land" and was told "why would you want to visit Isreal if you have not visted Bethel?" My older sister told me how her faith was infused with the juice of Samson, the Holy Spirit filled up her "Faith Gas-tank", when did Bethel over-throw Isreal,Greece, Italy and Turkey (New Testament) as the New Holy Land?

    I still wish to visit Isreal, I have no desire to visit Beth-Hell, New York.

    If I wanted to visit a bunch of fake people pretending to be Christian, I actually could visit some Theme Parks run by Christians that actually try to be authentic, not the fraudlent and loveless caricatures with a spotlight and microphone attached to them. I tire of the lies how "I just won the Grammy's, I'am going to Bethel" PRINCE.

    Is Bethel really the Spiritual Paradise and God's Kingdom on Earth propaganda, where gingerbread men dance and gumdrop fairy queens fly, where the rivers flow with love Twenty-Four hours-Seven Days a week? Is it all fake and like the Wizard from Oz and the Watchtower still thinks the Ex-JWs have not pulled back the curtain? Why do the JW Friends spread lies about Bethel and how wonderful it is? They come back with a "high", why?

    May I have more information why I never had any desire of visiting Bethel and why the thought of it made my stomach sick.

  • quellycatface


  • steve2

    The Moslems have Mecca, the Jews, Jerusalem, the Catholics, Vatican city, the Mormons, Salt Lake City and the Jehovah's Witnesses, Patterson. Good to see this uniquely "True"religion has joined the old patriarchs club.

  • respectful_observer
  • sir82

    Patterson - all the architectural charm of a suburban shopping mall but without the tanning salons....

    Nothing like a tour of office buildings and industrial laundry machines to set one's heart racing....I am swooning with joy at the mere thought of it....



    My wife is going. I am not. She just has to see the Bible museum!! Why in the hell would you would want to pay all that money to go see a bunch of bibles that you will never read from.. Besides, since the RNWT is the best bible ever, should the Bible Museum only contain the RNWT?? That would be hilarious!! One Deluxe RNWT, autographed by the Great 8, surrounded by lasers...

  • AlphaMan

    With free volunteer human labor, a totalitarian style leadership and indoctriated cult members.......the Watchtower can take this cult into any direction it wants to go. Patterson could easily one day be a mega-JW resort pumping millions of JW vacation dollars into the Organization's bank account.


    What about a Noah's Ark themed water park?!?! That would be awesome! Thousands of tubby JWs who never worked out because the "END" was nigh, all prancing along in their swim wear! Maybe a Sodom and Gomorah roller-coaster ride? Or a Rutherford themed beer garden?


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