Future for conventions

by joe134cd 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • joe134cd

    Evidently with the new light on the reduced time spent at circut assemblies. I put forward 3 theories for the future of assemblies.

    (1) There will be a world wide fire sale of assembly halls, due to the 50% reduction of use. If this is the plan I reckon they will carry this out with in the next 5 years. Of course the R&F will be spun some BS about simplification and lessening the load on our brothers.


    (2) Been able to cram into 1 day what used to take 2 days to do, will allow the facilities to be used for District Conventions as well. No fire sales of assembly halls.


    (3) I've noticed just recently that they have been more prone to use televised talks e.g GB member visits Australia and it gets broad cast all over the South Pacific. Could this become more the norm with assemblies, or even in Kingdom Halls as it becomes harder to find qualified brothers to give talks.

    Whats your thoughts.

  • abbagail

    #3 sounds good, not just due to lack of qualified males to give the talks, but also as a PR agenda to have the GB'ers become more visible to the R&F, making the R&F all the more willing to "unquestionably obey" their NY "masters."

  • piztjw

    In my locality the BOE just coerced the congregation into approving the expenditure of $1,000.00 for a computer with all the fancy bells and whistles.

    The reason one of them gave for buying that, instead of accepting the gifts of no less than three FREE computers was that the new one could be used to project talks by [the] GOverning Directors. (See what I did there?)

    This is a small congregation made up of mostly elderly and disabled members on retirement income. The BOE is always yapping about how more money is being spent than what is taken in, and, "We are sure you brothers will prayerfully make sacrifices so you can better provide materially for the needs of the congregation elders ego's."

    The regional conventions will be handled the same way. Just an excuse to shear the sheep a little closer to the skin!

  • eyeuse2badub

    Ya gotta see it coming! IMHO, The AGM will now be an anual event just like the DC's (now Regional Conventions). Every year at the DC's there were "new' releases.---LOL. Now the "new" releases will be handled by the GB at the AGM, you know like the new Silver Bullet Bible. That way JW's will feel especially blessed. They gotta do something to keep the rank and file enthused!

    Just saying!


  • suavojr

    My wife got scared when I mentioned this to her last night and she stated that "we are surely very close, something BIG is going to happen". I said honey, don't you think we should intensify our meetings and preaching? Instead, they are consolidating everything because of money and the promotion of the international conventions and the AGM.

    My wife's reaction? She got mad go figure with these cult people.

    The idea of installing projectors and inviting everyone to the AGM is a good sign that the GB wants to show they are in control and they have a direct line to Jehovah before the GT starts.

  • steve2

    The persistently unintended message of the ongoing downsizing of the organization's activities is more and more and more free time to become even more apathetic.

    The little zeal that still laps at the fringes of your local kingdom hall is at risk of evaporating in the wake of the closure of branch offices, shrinking-sized magazines, shortening weekly meetings, reduced days of assemblies, amalgamating congregations and increasingly promoting their online profile.

    These are not things you do when your organization is prospering. Besides, so much for doing it more as the end draws near.

    Oh they boast that their website sometimes attracts one million plus hits a day. Whether that supposedly eye-boggling statistic translates into solid religious commitment and zeal in local kingdom halls is a tenuous hope and probably highly unlikely. Even Lady Gaga's latest music video got 10 million plus hits in three days.

  • Vidiot

    suavojr - "The idea of installing projectors and inviting everyone to the AGM is a good sign that the GB wants to show they are in control and they have a direct line to Jehovah before the GT starts."

    Someone here recently said "the old GB were mostly content to stay anonymous and pull the strings from behind the scenes, but the new guys plaster their names and faces on everything more and more" (paraphrasing, but that's the gist).

    Anobody wanna bet that more and more JWs are - on a fundamental level - noticing the trend and are feeling increasingly disturbed by it, even if it's just on a subconscious level?

    By that logic, not only is it a good sign that the GB wants to show they are in control, but it's a good thing, too (from the XJW community's POV, anyway).

  • steve2

    In contrast to the previous post about the likelihood the Witnesses are becoming disturbed by the increasing named profile of the individual members of the GB, I'd suggest there's not a shred of evidence to suppprt this. The rank and file just don't care - and short of a miracle, have a high tolerance for religious nonsense. When I was a younger man, I harbored a naive notion that once those in my congregation saw what was even then happening in the organization - in particular, the overt trumpeting of the ramblings of the president Fred Franz - surely they'd wake up! Well they didn't; the snooze fest rumbled on. They robustly ignored any hint of unrest and kept on yawning their way through Watchtower stodge instead.Those of us who have woken up from the sleep of 100 plus years are a startling, revealing minority. Reason escapes the best minds when religious stakes are high. On the other hand, apathy laps away at faith in the Watchtower as easily as age ravages Joan Rivers aging, artifically taut face. Watch what yawns can do - they do far, far more damage to faith than mere evidence and reason ever could.

  • scary21

    Don't forsake the gathering of youselves together. All the MORE as you see the day drawing near......not less and less and less and less

    But that's ok because the GB can change the rules any time they want . SO THERE !!! HA ha hahaha


  • LostGeneration

    Number 2 is correct.

    They bill the rank and file $10,000 for every assembly, whether its in an Assembly Hall or a rented facility. The troops don't care to figure it out, they just pay the bill.

    So now Mama will bill them the same amount for a one day, and more events can fit into the schedule. The "regionals" will be cut to two days, I'd wager in 2015 or 2016 at the latest. Move as many as possible into the Assembly halls as well. It all adds up to more money for Mama.

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