Incredible busy-work from the Governing Body!!!!

by DATA-DOG 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    The ever faithful and discreet slave has provided a bountiful season of busy-work for the next 3-4 months!! Memorial season ( the last?? LOL!!!), lots of 30 hour pioneering. Finally, the uber-special JW.ORG campaign!! It will be, " The greatest witness ever." The GB want brand recognition! What incredible boasting will take place? Will the dubs notice another year of their life gone? Will World Headquarters be completed before the end?!?! These burning questions are sure to be answered...Soon!!!


  • abbagail

    "Finally, the uber-special JW.ORG campaign!! It will be, " The greatest witness ever." The GB want brand recognition!"

    Hadn't heard about the JW.ORG campaign. Are they planning to begin airing TV commercials like the Mormons? :)

  • baltar447

    That's a good question. Would they EVER start usig commericals? That would imply they want growth and I don't think they want growth anymore.

  • LisaRose

    I doubt they really want increased visibility. Their practices aren't exactly up to increased scrutiny. Really, they have focused on the door to door preaching work for years, even though it is spectacularly unproductive. They have changed things up with the literature carts, but they don't seem all that effective either. I could be wrong, but it seems more designed to make the R&F feel like they are part of something dynamic. I know when I was in it just seemed like busy work, no one really wanted to make converts, just "get their hours in". It's all just posturing really, "Look at how much we are progressing". Kind like the Corporate stockholder meetings.

  • villagegirl

    More like a classic MLM, multi level maketing, where you pretend its about "the product"

    but its really about selling memberships and only the guys at the top, reap any benefits.

    And when you notice that, you are told, you aren't trying hard enough. MLM

  • galaxie

    Who ' inspired ' the use of the internet medium by the borg, G.B. How can they justify the use and promotion of an idea by a mere mortal who by means of this invention has had

    more influence on the worldwide population than jesus christ ?

    Also do they take into consideration the FACT that this method of promoting themselves is used for criminal activity.

    I ask again who inspired this use? Do they not preach and counsel do not go near or associate with the unclean thing? HYPOCRITS !!!

  • punkofnice

    The GB want brand recognition!

    Not just that but they want personal recognition.

    These 8 paedophile protecting men in Brooklyn live like rock stars and they love it!

    They lap up the attention, the power and the financial rewards.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    " The greatest witness ever."


    Ask any "Average Joe" what the message of Jehovah's Witnesses is, and you'll get a deer-in-the-headlights stare. Oh sure, he may be able to tell you JWs don't celebrate Christmas or some other bit of trivia, but really, I think you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone that can tell you one meaningful bit of fact about the Watchtower, Jehovah's Witnesses, their beliefs or their core message.


    1.7 BILLION hours a year....for nothing.


    By contrast, Harold Camping, that false doomsday prophet, got his name and (false) message advertised to the entire world in only six months time! WT? 134 years of advertising and still virtually no one knows the product yet. Epic fail.

  • sir82

    The GB want brand recognition!

    Sheesh - why don't they just name it and be done with it?

    Wait - I already know - they can't agree on whose name should go first - maybe it should be

  • gingerbread

    Traditional advertising cost WAY too much money.

    The Big Bosses want to spend that money on infrastructure - the NEW World Headquarters complex, regional assembly halls and on new Kingdom Halls (donation collection buildings) in areas of the world where people are poor & uneducated (the lifeblood of any successful religion).

    I am anticipating a series of pop-up advertisements to be developed for the internet in the near future...

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