My Judicial Meeting was 6 WEEKS ago! Help me with a question.

by Comatose 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • bigmac

    might as well face facts. if you did something carrying the df penalty--and you arent repentent--then you got it coming.

    your elders wont give a shit about the repercussions in your life--they will say its your own fault.

    so--plan B time i imagine--damage limitation

  • flamegrilled

    I guess it still depends on your circumstances and the facts of the case. All other things being equal then probably the hiring of a lawyer will not go in your favor from their point of view, as others have already commented.

    But ultimately the elders may have simply not have found grounds for DF. It's hard to know without knowing more about it.

    I'm sure we're all interested in the possible legal loophole and how this progresses for you.

    On a personal level, I wish you all the best with the outcome insofar as keeping unity with your family.



    Whatever you said in your letter, ask your lawyer about litigation against the Elders as "individuals" for defamation of character. They are going to defame you by DF'ing you. Since the Elders have a "special relationship" with the local R&F, they are responsible in part for your treatment. If they say "apostasy", then explain to your lawyer what they are really saying, and use WT literature. Make sure your lawyer knows that they consider you mentally diseased, satanic, deserving of death. Also mentions the hate-speech trouble the WTBTS got into last year.

    Don't be suprised if the catch-all phrase "brazen conduct" is used. That's why it exists, to give them a way to DF you for whatever they want..

    Definitely contact your lawyer and see if they have been contacted by the WTBTS, then go from there. BTW, I would love to know what you said to the BOE. No pressure..


  • sir82

    Data Dog is correct.

    Suing the WTS is a waste of time. They have very deep pockets.

    But the WTS will not spend a shiny penny to support elders if they are sued personally.

    If you threaten to sue the local individuals, that will very possibly scare them into leaving you alone.

  • JWdaughter

    You told them not to contact you again and you are wondering why you haven't heard from them. .. Im confused.

  • clarity

    YOU have to decide & it looks like you did!


    Are you thinking there is a slim hope that they will be

    too scared to df you now (lawyer)? And you don't want

    to lose that possibility? .....WHY? Get it done, at this point.

    ps congrats for doing it!


  • ssn587

    I feel a little like you do, was in Walmart last night and seen several jdubs, who went out of ther way to ignore me. I have ignored them since my wife died and I got to see first hand their conditional love. No visits by the elders, or anyone else after the funeral. It's like me and my daughter just disappeared from view, so we did, told them I would never set foot in their kh ever again as I see how they are and long suspected they would act that way. Got "1" cared of condolence. A real piss poor showing for them. Well its over I have never set foot in any KH since and never will. ef them.

  • problemaddict

    Once someone is represented by an attorney, then that is how you communicate with them.

    So.....ask your attorney to contact them (or the legal department), for verification you will not be bothered or that they will seek religious reprisal.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Safe from DFing and my parents, siblings, and all other extended family shunning me.

    Based on my personal experience, your family is going to do what they want to do in this situation. Even if they are not instructed to DF you, their conscience could still cause them to stop associating with you.

    (Me: Never a JW, but my sister has declared she will "no longer communicate" with me. I didn't get a hearing).

  • LongHairGal


    I don't acknowledge their claims to authority, so why would I attend one? They could have it without me, for all I care. (Forgive me, but I have to laugh about them "praying about it".)


    They changed the old phrase "loose conduct" (which made it sound like somebody committed fornication even if they didn't) to "brazen conduct" which has a more general ring to it. But, the result is the same.


    It is a disappointment to see how it actually is in the JW religion, especially if you were a "strong" JW. They really don't care about people, for the most part. A person is only as good as the last good thing they did OR how much the users there can take from them, sad to say.

    Be glad you are out.

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