This JW video tour is disturbing......

by WingCommander 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • gingerbread

    What a utilitarian environment.

    It's like they used an old Soviet city planner/architect to create the design. Everything seems focused on function - even the entry halls and 'relaxation' areas are about as visually exciting as the printery's rooms.

    The only way to jazz it up was to add ... cheesy, interactive displays?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    The soundtrack makes elevator music sound hip...I think my ears are bleeding.

  • cantleave

    Get me out of here now!

  • trujw

    It reminds me of any typical business corporation office space.

  • WTWizard

    How on earth do they even think that qualifies as music?

  • Bruja-del-Sol

    LOL, when I put it on my husband asked totally disturbed "Jeeeez, what kind of crap is this???" He only heard the music...

    I couldn't see it, I was actually eating a sandwich while watching and all of a sudden I felt sick... So I've put it off. How on earth could I have ever watched video's like this with a sense of pride and admiration????

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    If that music was played in a funeral home, I think any corpse within earshot would get up and walk out.

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Marked for viewing when i want to be sober and vomit

  • humbled

    I couldn't see this through. The video is more sterile and lifeless than I remember them to be when i was "in".

    Is is just me? Or does it seem that the videographers have distilled the antiseptic and mindless qualities of the past to make this one extremely and especially creepy?

  • WingCommander

    I agree with the musical opinions. I've been to funerals that had much more "happifying" music that this shite. And "The Farm" really does have a Jonestown look to it, no doubt! Everyone doing their jobs, in their place, and go back to their "quarters" when the day is done. THIS is how they perceive "Paradise Earth" to look like. Did you ever think you were really going to have a nice cedar Chalet next to a lake, with your kids petting Pandas and Tigers out in the front yard, like in the "Live Forever" book? BULLSH*T!!! This (WT Farms) is the perfect example of how life in a controlled environment is REALLY going to look like. No thanks!

    - Wing Commander

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